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Judi Love and Nadia Sawalha talk body confidence and loveless marriages on LWP


Judi Love and Nadia Sawalha talk body confidence and loveless marriages on LWP

The second episode of Loose Women: The Podcast has dropped…

Launched this week to celebrate International Women’s Day, the brand new offering from ITV1’s Loose Women has already raced to number three top show in the Apple Podcast charts.

In the edition which dropped yesterday (Friday, 7th) available to watch now on ITVX, STV Player and YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts, Judi Love and Nadia Sawalha take to the mic as they answer the questions viewers have always wanted to know and discuss some dishy dilemmas – leading to honest and open discussions around body confidence and loveless marriages. Plus, the pair reveal their party tricks and spill the tea from their iconic Loose Women mugs on some secret show crushes.

Asked for tips on being body confident, Judi opens up: “I look at my body and I think to myself, ‘Wow, this body carried these two amazing children. This body allows me to go to this job, that absolutely I don’t see as a job. It’s just such a fulfillment to come here. This body allows me to stand up on stage and make people laugh’ and we eat good food and we have conversations. I think, really looking at how your body navigates the world and helps you to do some of the most amazing things in your life…

“The other thing I definitely say is, surround yourself with amazing people. I am so blessed to have you guys, honestly. I mean, the other day, I was sitting down and I just felt so elated and so joyful. It was like, I know a bunch of phenomenal women… I could phone any of you and have advice within different areas, and that built my confidence, because I was like, ‘I’m a part of these women’. So, it’s about the internal more than anything else and then if there are things that, physically or on the [outside] that you want to change, take your time [and] find out why you want to change.”

Denise Welch and Ayda Field Williams launched the podcast

In the Q&A, the pair were also asked if they had any advice for a loveless marriage and Nadia admits: “I’ve been married, I think 20 or 22 years, and there have been so many points where I’ve thought I can’t do this anymore. Twice, couples counselling saved us from divorce because all communication had gone out the window and there were points that we got to, that we couldn’t talk about anymore because that would cause a row.”

Later in the conversation, Nadia shares: “I’m sure he felt the same, I just thought ‘I don’t know if I feel enough love to carry this on’. I tell you what I always went back to – and Mark knows this – Mark knows that this would be the point where we would be over, I could always say I liked him. Because I think as women… We can find it easier to say, ‘Oh, but I love him’ and then when I’ve asked women this before, ‘But do you like him?’ and they’ve said’ ‘Oh well, I love him’… And love can be something that we just say. 

“So, I would be very cautious when I was younger, ‘Oh, it’s a loveless marriage? Just leave!’ but there are peaks and troughs. It’s a winding road marriage, and it’s a long road, and it’s for me, I’ve worked through the loveless points, and now I can look back and go, they weren’t loveless – they were desperate points when we weren’t communicating, and we weren’t. We knew we liked each other but, we weren’t able to reach each other.”  

Watch the first episode of Loose Women: The Podcast with Denise Welch and Ayda Field Williams and the second episode with Judi Love and Nadia Sawalha on ITVX, STV Player and YouTube now or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

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