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March highlights from Acorn TV


March highlights from Acorn TV

Forthcoming highlights to the streaming offering next month…

March sees the second series premiere of Recipes for Love and Murder on Monday 3 March. Episodes debut every Monday until the finale on 14 April.

The South African culinary mystery returns and its drama from the off as a massive fire engulfs the small town of Eden. This inferno sets off a fateful chain of events and Tannie Maria (Maria Doyle Kennedy), Jessie (Kylie Fisher) and Khaya (Tony Kgoroge) get dragged into a multiple murder investigation that unearths the town’s darkest secrets across eight episodes.

Next month also sees Total Control return for its third series. Episodes debut every Monday until the final episode on 24 March.

It’s been two years since the explosive events of this top notch Australian political drama’s last season and outsider turned kingmaker, Alex Irving (Deborah Mailman) is completely at home in the nation’s capital. But what she’s about to discover will test her like never before in this six episode offering.

The think tank run by Rachel Anderson’s (Rachel Griffiths) reprobate advisor Nick Pearce (Alex Dimitriades) – the one that made substantial donations to her election campaign – was backed by private interests in order to buy political influence.

Rachel screwed up and the corruption allegations could destroy them both. As Alex and Rachel battle to control their political destinies, they will uncover the truth about the dirty money and just how deep these corrupt interests run in politics. Can Alex achieve the change she’s been fighting for, or will it cost her everything?

 Acorn TV

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