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Georgia Harrison returns to ITV2 for Porn, Power, Profit


Georgia Harrison returns to ITV2 for Porn, Power, Profit

The two episode series sees editions, ‘Revenge Porn’ and ‘Deep Fake Porn’…

Georgia Harrison returns to ITV2 and ITVX with a two-part series exploring the lucrative world of the online porn business following on from her previous documentary, Revenge Porn: Georgia vs Bear.

“What we really wanted to do was get to the bottom of who is behind the posting of image-based sexual abuse that’s still out there. The first part involves me having to really look into where my video still is which is obviously a really tough thing to do, but by doing that we could then decipher how many different sites it was on. Then this gave us a way of following the video,  figuring out who is actually behind the money and who is advertising next to this image-based sexual abuse.

“When it comes to DeepFake pornography, I have so many women now messaging me through my inbox for help. That’s usually all forms of abuse, so image-based sexual abuse, DeepFake pornography, domestic abuse, anything to do with a struggling relationship or another person involved, people tend to reach out.

“I was just seeing more and more issues around DeepFakes, a lot from mothers and it was affecting their children in school and I just thought, ‘this is the same sort of feeling as image-based sexual abuse’. It is the same feeling of humiliation, a violation of literally being de-clothed without your consent. It’s unconsented image-based abuse. Just because it’s fake, doesn’t mean it doesn’t evoke the same emotion within the victim it affects.”Georgia Harrison

With the global porn industry worth an estimated $1 billion globally, Georgia takes a deep dive look into how this hugely profitable industry works and seeks to uncover just how far her own illegal video has spread, and who might be profiting from it.

“Overall, the purpose of doing both documentaries is to do two things; give the power back to the victims and look into how the porn industry works and how it makes its money.  I’ve been very open about what’s happened to me, been to Downing Street, won my court case…I very publicly made it obvious that my video is unconsented, yet it’s still on so many websites. 

“It’s raising awareness of that, because hopefully, we can evoke change within the internet, so in the future, not just me, but any person who has been a victim of revenge porn won’t have to wake up every day wondering if it’s still out there.  If you can stop the people higher up from investing into the advertisement at the bottom, then the people at the bottom won’t keep putting up unconsented footage because they won’t be making any money off it. It’s just exposing the ecosystem. 

“And with DeepFakes, it’s exposing the issue because so many people aren’t aware of it and I’m telling you, I had heard of it and I had friends who were affected by it, but until really looking into it and immersing myself into the world of it, I had no idea how damaging it is to society. How much it’s catching us all up, how much it’s ruining young people’s lives. It’s affecting parents and teachers who are dealing with this issue in schools, it’s a really horrible thing to do.  Recently it was announced that the creation of deepfakes will be made illegal so the more awareness I can raise around it, the more likely it will be implemented.”Georgia Harrison

Georgia Harrison: Porn, Power, Profit, Tuesday 18th February and Wednesday 19th February at 9pm on ITV2 and ITVX

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