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Clare Balding celebrates the love we have for dogs

Channel 5

Clare Balding celebrates the love we have for dogs

Channel 5’s four-paw-t series, Lost Dog, Found Dog, begins next week…

Clare Balding celebrates the unbreakable bond we have with our dogs. Across the four episodes Clare shares emotional stories of missing dogs, their dramatic rescues and of course, joyful reunions with their owners. And she’ll have the best advice to help keep your dog safe.

From dramatic reconstructions showing the lengths owners will go to, to bring their dog home; to the final, tearful heart-warming reunions, expect tail-wagging in abundance. With advice on the latest science and technology, as well as expert training tips, Channel 5 celebrate the importance of our canine family-members and ensure we know how to keep our beloved dogs safe.

Clare Balding is back celebrating the unbreakable bond between us humans and our best friends – dogs!

The first episode is packed with extraordinary stories of lost dogs being found and reunited with their owners, including the tale of Spaniel Figgy who fell over 300 feet down a cliff and survived; the owner who resorted to desperate measures to bring back her beloved French Bulldog Daisy who was missing for eight weeks; and Jazz, the working Cocker Spaniel who disappeared from a farm in Wales and turned up over fifty miles away in an ambulance. Jazz was identified because her owner had never given up hope and had kept Jazz’s microchip details up to date.

Reporter Chloe Fuller meets 11-year-old Poppy whose owner had to give her up when they lost their home. The show also finds out how her forever family treasure her even more, and appreciate the selfless, extraordinary brave action of her previous owner.

Also in the first edition, presenter Clare Balding joins a litter of Staffie puppies as they visit the vet to be microchipped; she finds out how to train your dog in recall, so they are less likely to go missing; a dog warden explains to Clare what happens when they find a lost dog; and there are tips from the online community on how to keep our dogs entertained with toys made cheaply. She also meets 7-month-old Lurcher Webster who has lost his home and needs a new one.

There’s a roundup of tearful lost dog reunions, and Clare brings viewers an update on Teddy and Bear, two lost dogs who were found after featuring in the previous series.

Lost Dog, Found Dog, Channel 5, Tuesday, January 7th, 7 pm

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