With party season well and truly underway, for the sake of your health there is one habit you may want to avoid at gatherings – sharing vapes.
With an influx of germs floating around throughout the Winter months, keeping ourselves fit and healthy is vital, but how does sharing a vape increase our chances of becoming more susceptible to to illness and infections? Intrigued to delve into this further, the experts at Electric Tobacconist have shared with ATV Today Health their insight into the potential health risks associated with vape sharing.
Increases risk of being exposed to viral infections
Sharing isn’t always caring and it is recommended to avoid sharing vapes with others wherever possible. When sharing a vape, you’re increasing your chances of becoming more susceptible to a number of viral infections, such as common colds and flus, but also more serious diseases such as mono and meningitis.
Since vapes can be a breeding ground for bacteria if not cleaned properly, it’s very important to regularly keep up the maintenance of your vape, especially reusable box vapes or pens that require coils or filters.
Colds / Flus
Since vaping involves inhaling aerosol which can contain droplets of saliva, it’s no surprise that sharing a vape can increase the risks of transmitting respiratory infections such as colds, flus and even more serious diseases such as Covid-19 and pneumonia. In order to limit your chances of catching a viral infection ahead of the colder months, it’s very important to avoid sharing a vape, even with close friends.
Even when under the influence on nights out, it’s very important to remain cautious and not give in to vape sharing as partaking in certain actions could expose you to certain diseases such as mono, also known as the ‘kissing disease’. While sharing a vape is not the only way to contract mono, it certainly increases the risk, alongside drinking from the same glass, kissing and sharing utensils.
Meningitis is a serious infection that can be caused by various bacteria and viruses. As sharing a vape can lead to the transfer of saliva from one person to another, this in turn increases the risk of coming into contact with harmful bacteria or viruses.
Increases risk of contracting Herpes
Not only can sharing a vape increase the risk of contracting viral infections, but it can also increase the risk of contracting Herpes.
While Herpes is known as a sexually transmitted disease, it can also be spread through non-sexual contact through sharing personal items, such as a vape. If you experience any symptoms such as sores, pain or blisters, it’s important to seek a doctor’s advice for a diagnosis.
Being exposed to higher nicotine levels than you’re used to
For avid vapers, their devices are usually tailored depending on individual tastes and preferences. Since it is possible to change the nicotine strength of a vape, be mindful that the vape you’re sharing will likely be adjusted to a nicotine strength of their liking which as a result may be a higher strength than what you’re used to.
Increasing risk of being susceptible to food allergies
It is also wise to avoid sharing a vape if you’ve got any form of food allergy, regardless of how minor or severe it may be as sharing a vape can increase the risk of food allergy flares. This is because vape flavours can often contain various additives and flavourings and sharing can expose you to unknown substances, potentially triggering an allergic reaction.
Notably, if someone you’re sharing a vape with has recently eaten something that you are allergic to, it can introduce those allergens into your system. This happens as the allergens from the food are capable of being transferred to the vape and then inhaled, triggering an allergic reaction.
Pascal Culverhouse on behalf of Electric Tobacconist:
“It is sensible hygiene to not share your vape with other people as this can lead to cross-contamination which could potentially increase the risk of contracting viral infections, serious diseases or posing a significant threat to those with allergies. If you’re offered a vape and you don’t feel comfortable sharing, politely tell your friend that you feel uncomfortable doing so. If they continue to push this, simply state that you’re protecting your boundaries and that you don’t want to risk contracting any unwanted bacterial illnesses.”