OTD, December 25th, 1959…
ATV Midland News took a look at some festive stories in a compilation broadcast on Christmas day.
Footage includes a Christmas tree protected with barbed wire followed by a shot of small boy giving a large dog a joint of meat.
The next section shows an elderly couple putting food in parcels and handing them over to a man on the doorstep.
ATV cameras then capture scouts delivering coal door-to-door.
Later footage shows a hunt meet outside the Bull’s Head pub at Wootton Wawen in Warwickshire followed by views of hunt hounds chasing a fox across fields.
Father Christmas is seen delivering presents to sick children in a hospital followed by the only sound section which shows a group of carol singing nurses on a hospital ward. The feature then returns to Father Christmas who is seen emerging from a fireplace and leaving presents for two sleeping girls. When they wake up they unwrap them (dolls) and are joined by other children. After shots of people praying in church there are more shots of children unwrapping presents.