Moira Dingle, played by Natalie J Robb, is diagnosed with a brain tumour in tonight’s episode of the ITV soap.
Moira finds out she has a type of brain tumour called a meningioma and this is why she has been suffering from symptoms including changes to her personality, confusion, memory loss and seizures.
The tumour, although non-cancerous, leaves Moira apprehensive about her future and concerned about the possibility of surgery and other treatments.
Actress Natalie J. Robb said:
“I feel really fortunate to be trusted with such a challenging storyline. Moira and her family have an extremely challenging time ahead, and I’m hoping I can portray it in a truthful way that does justice to all the people who are really suffering with a brain tumour.”
When devising and researching the storyline, the soap worked closely with the charities Brains Trust and The Brain Tumour Charity, who will continue to support the production team to give Moira’s story a realistic and authentic depiction.
Emmerdale Producer, Sophie Roper, said:
“Moira’s diagnosis comes as a huge shock to both her and her family and Moira faces an emotional and challenging time ahead. The research and support we’ve received throughout this storyline has allowed us to depict the realities of the condition and though at times it may be distressing to see the symptoms Moira’s experiencing, we’re keen to explore the hope and resilience Moira finds as she comes to terms with her diagnosis.”
Emmerdale, weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1 and STV