Sharon continues to struggle with Chrissie’s presence.
Meanwhile, the police join the search for Kojo, while George distances himself from a remorseful Elaine. Kojo wakes up in his hiding spot and makes his way to the tube station. Junior sees him and attempts to persuade him to return to The Vic, but Kojo is set on going back to Ghana
Elsewhere Anna tells Bobby that she’s having a hard time, and he wants to cheer her up. However, he gets pulled away by responsibilities at Beales’s Eels, prompting him to ask Freddie for assistance. Freddie, eager to avoid being alone with Anna, concocts a weak excuse that leaves her feeling upset.
Later, Anna decides to ask Freddie if everything is okay between them, but she has a dizzy spell before she gets to him.
Also, Denise tries to support Jack.
EastEnders, BBC One, tonight at 7.30pm or watch on BBC iPlayer now

A motorbike chase ensues, with Cleo on the back of Dave’s bike and furious Abe trailing them by car. Cleo and Dave manage to shake Abe off. Dave promises Cleo that he will get her to Warren and Mercedes, but Cleo is unwittingly leading the killer to his prey.
Cleo speaks to Mercedes to try and co-ordinate a meet. Dave heads into the woods, leaving Cleo alone.
Warren tells Mercedes that he will always love her, before heading off down a path into the woods. It is not Cleo he finds there but Dave. Warren doesn’t realise that Dave is Blue – until it’s too late.
Back at The Dog car park, Sienna and Ethan have a heart to heart. Ethan confesses his true feelings, admitting that he is still in love with her.
James tells Ste he is afraid of dying. Ste is devastated that he hid it from him.
Frankie, with Sally and Jack, confronts Suzanne about not believing that JJ abused her. Jack challenges Suzanne’s denials that she knew.
Cleo is chased by Abe and tries to make it back to her home, but she doesn’t have the experience to control the bike. The vehicle careers through the market and through the front of the McQueens’ house. Inside are Marie, Jack, Suzanne and Frankie.
Hollyoaks, E4, tonight at 7pm or watch on Channel 4 streaming now