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Angel Delight tops nostalgia poll of best childhood food


Angel Delight tops nostalgia poll of best childhood food

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Ever pine for the simple and comforting tastes of your youth?

…Then you’re not alone – as nine in ten Brits say there are certain foods which INSTANTLY transport them back to their childhood. And the mousse-like, powdered dessert, Angel Delight, released in 1967 by the Bird’s company, is officially the best loved, and most comforting childhood food, with a resounding 36 percent of the vote.

Overall, 42 percent of those polled believe certain foods tasted better, back in the day – with flying saucers (25 percent), arctic roll (25 percent), packet custard (25 percent), Curly Wurlys, (24 percent) Mr Whippy ice creams (30 percent), and sherbet lemons (21 percent) conjuring up memories of youth, according to the 2,000 British adults surveyed.

One in four (26 percent) say that the taste of cola bottles makes them nostalgic, while a further 26 percent feel the same about rice pudding.

But it’s not just sweet treats which evoke memories, as the poll by refurbished device marketplace, Back Market also revealed beans on toast (24 percent), bangers and mash (20 percent), Alphabetti Spaghetti (19 percent) and Findus Crispy Pancakes (18 percent) evoke huge feelings of nostalgia.

Overall, 95 percent of those who took part in the survey agreed that certain foods instantly remind them of their childhood, with 70 percent believing certain flavours can be more nostalgic than looking through old photos. 47 percent feel that food has the ability to transport them back to a specific time or place.

Eight in ten (83 percent) believe that retro foods are making a comeback, with 79 percent purchasing foods from their childhoods to introduce to their own kids, while almost half (46 percent) say younger generations are embracing retro recipes. Overall, 81 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds say they regularly look through old cookbooks to get inspiration for retro recipes.

Refurbished device marketplace, Back Market is partnering with sustainable chef and Great British Menu winner, Kirk Haworth of, Plates London to reimagine Brits most nostalgic meals and champion dishes from days gone by such as the humble fish finger sandwich and Angel Delight – using refurbished kitchen equipment.

“As a chef, I’m always inspired by the stories that food can tell, and the nostalgia we feel around our favourite childhood meals is incredibly powerful.”

And 43 percent say there are foods that Gen Z will definitely not have eaten – with Fray Bentos pies (29 percent), blancmange (29 percent) and Findus Crispy Pancakes (26 percent) topping the list.Despite this, two thirds (64 percent) say there are certain dishes that they used to love eating or making that they now look back on and cringe.

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