Channel 5 have announced eminent historian Dan Snow is to return to screens with a new series for the network…
For the four-episode series Dan will be accompanied by ancient world specialist Jasmine Elmer as they investigate the remarkable time capsule that is Pompeii to reveal the daily lives of real ancient Romans.
Lucy Willis, Commissioning Editor, Factual, Channel 5:
“One of the challenges with programmes about Ancient Rome is just how you enable the viewer to really feel what it would have been like to be alive at the time. So, in this series, Dan and Jasmine are stepping away from admiring glances at unearthed mosaics and attempting to get under the skin of everyday life for the inhabitants of Pompeii, rich, poor and enslaved.”
Buried nearly 2000 years ago under metres of volcanic ash, Pompeii is one of the most spectacularly complete Roman towns in the world. From beautifully preserved homes to loaves of bread and ancient blankets and bedding, Pompeii offers a unique window into what the Romans ate; where they slept; how they washed, cooked and entertained themselves.

Frankie Howerd – Up Pompeii sketch on ATV’s ‘The Golden Shot’: The story of Pompeii was brought to a whole new audience in the 1970s with a saucy sitcom set in the era just before the volcanic eruption.
In Life & Death in Pompeii with Dan Snow, Dan and Jasmine will investigate this ancient time capsule to get to the bottom of daily life in Pompeii.
As they explore the town from top to bottom, they’ll come closer than ever before to the people who lived and died here, from a successful business woman to shopkeepers, slaves, and even a looter caught in the act. Dan and Jasmine will also immerse themselves in the Roman “work hard, play hard” lifestyle, cooking up a feast, drinking Pompeiian wine, working out and being oiled and scrubbed in the local bath house. They’ll also uncover bitter quarrels between ancient residents and the gruesome punishments inflicted on criminals.
Dan Snow:
“Pompeii offers an unparalleled glimpse into the everyday lives of ancient Romans. This series delves deep into the heart of this extraordinary town, uncovering the stories and secrets preserved by the ash. It’s a thrilling journey back in time, bringing the past vividly to life with every step we take through its ancient streets!”
Jasmine Elmer:
“I’m pumped to be involved in this amazing series, delving into the lives of the people of Pompeii and building a vivid picture of the hustle and bustle of this once thriving town. It’s a great chance to get up close and personal with the Romans”.