Beth Rigby, Political Editor: “This is set to be an epochal, history-making election whoever wins. If Keir Starmer wins an outright majority, it will be largest ever uniform swing in UK election history. And if Sunak is victorious, that will be five Conservative election wins on the bounce, the most for any party in modern times and a record-breaking comeback for a Prime Minister 20 points behind in the polls. So whatever happens, it will be a thrilling night with big implications for all of us. Kay Burley, Trevor Phillips, Ed Conway and I will take you through every single twist and turn as the results come in overnight and unpack what it all means. Don’t miss a moment with Sky News.”
Sir Trevor Phillips, Presenter: “Election night will be awash with data – but our team will bring you insight – history, context and depth. We’ll be your companion through the night and the days after – and you’ll be the smartest person in any room that talks politics. This could be only the third time in half a century that power has changed hands in Britain – and if it does it will be the first time that any Briton under thirty- five will have voted in an election that resulted in a non-Tory government. This election will be momentous.”
Sam Coates, Deputy Political Editor: “It’s clear the United Kingdom is on the cusp of major change whatever the outcome of this year’s general election, and Sky News will be there telling you the full story, first – for free – throughout. What voters want, who will deliver for them, and how life will change after millions mark their polling card – Sky News will follow every twist and turn. We offer unrivalled depth, believe we are the best connected in the business and draw on decades of experience, and all of which means Sky News is unafraid to ask the difficult questions our views want.”

Ed Conway, Data and Economics Editor: “I’m more excited about this election than any other – and not just because it could be such a seismic political moment. We’ve got more surprising, exciting and data-rich ways of telling this story than ever before. We plan to be the fastest, smartest, most gimmick-free channel on election night (and the aftermath). I hope you’ll join us – it’ll be a blast (and not just for the geeks like me).”
Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester: “I’m very much looking forward to joining the Sky team for the general election night coverage. It will be a different experience for me to be able to join the analysis of the results rather than just worrying about my own. Having been involved in the 1997 General Election at Labour HQ and then as a Minister in later elections, I hope to be able to bring a fresh view of what will face an incoming government.”
Ruth Davidson, Former MSP and Leader of the Scottish Conservatives: “Every election night is made up of a number of different stories. What happens in Scotland is undoubtedly going to be one of them. Over a decade on the political front line North of the border means I’ll be able to analyse and interpret the results as they come in for viewers right across the UK.”