Soap Weekly
The latest goings on in Home and Away, Neighbours and Doctors…
This week in Summer Bay, Erinsborough and Letherbridge…

Home and Away, Roo is unsure if she should let Tane break the rules by visiting baby Maia
Tane asks Dana how baby Maia is doing. She tells him that Maia has a high temperature, but it’s nothing the doctors can’t sort out. Despite her reassurances, he latches onto the fact that Maia is sick. Against his own best judgment, he turns up at the hospital. Rose catches him there once again, and she looks like she’s about to tear her own hair out. She tells Tane for the hundredth time that he can’t be at the hospital, that they’re working on finding Maia a safe home, and that him being there isn’t helping anyone. The threat of the AVO is no longer just a threat – thanks to Tane’s stubbornness, it’s now in motion.
Theo watches Valerie grow increasingly reliant on the pills, as well as more secretive in front of Lean and Justin. He tells her that he didn’t take the last pill she gave him, hinting that they should back off, but Valerie just accuses him of lying to her and bringing the mood down. Out of options, Theo arranges to meet up with Kirby. He spills the beans, telling her that he’s completely out of his depth with Valerie, and that he needs all the help he can get.
Rose runs through the finer points of Tane’s new AVO. She’s clearly not happy about the mess he’s gotten himself into and warns him not to make it any harder for himself. Hearing about the action against Tane, Roo rushes to the station and insists they drop it – but Rose won’t back down. Roo speaks privately to Tane and tells him he needs to stay away from the hospital for real this time – things are getting serious now – but Tane fights back. If he’s not a bad guy, why is he being treated like one…
Cash and Eden are trying to savour what precious little time they have to themselves when Cash’s phone pings. He’s set up alerts for Stevie’s social media to keep an eye on things, and now, his suspicions have been confirmed: someone’s posted a picture of the outside of Stevie’s hotel. Her location’s been leaked. Stevie wants Cash back at the hotel, as she’s increasingly frightened. What could happen to her alone there?
Hearing this, Eden has no choice but to let her boyfriend go – but it’s clear she’s unhappy. Just when things couldn’t get worse, she comes home to find Cash pulling up at the doorstep…with a smiling Stevie in tow. Unbeknownst to Eden, Cash agreed to let her stay with them. After all, anywhere with him is where she feels the safest. Cash gets Stevie settled in his spare room, but the minute he’s done, Eden is ready to rumble. She confronts him, asking him if Stevie staying at his place is really the best (and safest) idea. Besides, there are a million other security guards at his company; why is Cash the one who has to go above and beyond and take his work home with him? He pushes back, telling her that this was his choice and that these are extraordinary circumstances. Stevie’s life is in danger.
Leah finds Justin and apologises for being a control freak. She admits that she had been micromanaging every detail of their wedding and decides to relinquish control to him. Meanwhile, Felicity and Xander scramble to get things ready for the fundraiser that night at Salt. Things get tricky when they get a call from the DJ they booked cancelling last minute. Xander needs a plan B for the music that night, and fast. He calls Eden, who happily agrees to fill in with Remi. When Eden tells Remi, however, he’s taken aback. He digs his heels in, complaining that he doesn’t feel up to it physically just yet – let alone emotionally, his breakup with Bree a fresh wound on its own. Eden manages to convince him to just give it a try, promising that they won’t have to be on stage for long and that it’s for a good cause.
Home and Away airs 1:45pm on Channel 5, Monday to Friday and at 6pm on 5STAR with first-look screenings of the following edition at 6:30 pm. The series also streams on My5.

Susan and Terese have different work ideas in Neighbours this week
Susan approaches the new day with a new attitude; determined to make her working relationship with Terese better than it was on their first day. She draws up a working chart, feeling that if everything is spelt out, there will be no misunderstandings moving forward. But after asking for Terese’s input, Terese cannot resist micro-managing and reworking Susan’s plan. As Susan discovers Terese’s changes, a nervous Terese hopes she doesn’t mind and, trying not to be difficult, Susan lies saying she appreciates Terese’s take.
But they both feel the awkwardness in the air and confide in their respective partners who urge them to communicate. Unfortunately, the women are keen to let things be as they navigate their new working relationship…
Remi’s flattered when Karl suggests she apply for the Senior Medical Officer role at the hospital, but with so much going on in her private life, she’s unsure if it’s a right fit, right now. She has the opportunity to float the idea with Cara but decides against it. Later, she can’t help but take another look at the application, which catches Gavin Bowman’s eye. He says he’s not interested in the role but he’s more than happy to do a pros and cons list with Remi if she’s conflicted, which she seems to be. Remi’s slightly thrown but appreciative of Gavin’s offer.
Victor Stone arrives in Erinsborough. Nicolette is thrilled by her father’s impromptu visit but Byron is much less so. Similarly, Jane is suspicious as to her ex-husband’s presence – whenever he appears, drama usually follows.
Keen to fix what he broke, Paul plays cupid for Krista and Leo, roping in Cara to help set up a romantic brunch at the rotunda before telling Krista to meet him for a ‘work catch up’. But when Leo reveals he saw them setting up the scene, he warns Paul he’s too hurt to give things another go. Paul, having failed, goes to pack up the brunch only to have Krista arrive early and realise what he was planning. Paul feels terrible; Krista takes him by surprise and asks him to join her instead – not wanting his efforts to go to waste.
Andrew drops by the Varga-Murphy’s to check on JJ and learns he’s still very frosty with his mums. After JJ leaves, Cara floats the idea that maybe they should let JJ see Felix, and learn first-hand what a dead-beat he is. Remi isn’t sure and they agree to sit on it and think about it. Later, Andrew receives a call from the prison; Felix isn’t well and has requested to see him. When Nell sees JJ she tells him about Andrew’s visit to the prison and encourages JJ to tag along. JJ confronts Andrew, begging him to take him to see his father.
Mackenzie’s struggling to juggle work with caring for Haz. Although Holly and Byron remind her that they can all share the load, Mackenzie is resolved to prioritise Haz, leaving Holly concerned at how all-consuming the ordeal is for her friend. Mackenzie is stunned when she sees that Lassiters is advertising for tenants to take over Harold’s. Toadie tells them that Lassiters is well within their rights to take this action.
Felix is happy to receive Andrew at the prison, sharing that his illness has given him time to ruminate on all that he’s lost. Andrew suggests there’s one thing Felix can put right. He urges him to have a chat with JJ. Thrilled to finally have an audience with his biological dad, a hopeful JJ explains how upset he was when his letters were returned but knows it was because of his mum’s request. Setting JJ straight, Felix voices that even if they hadn’t asked, he would have cut ties anyway – he doesn’t want a son or a friend. Although Andrew thanks Felix for being honest, he asserts he wants nothing more to do with him and closes the door on his brother for good.
Vic is eager to spend quality time with both of his kids, but when he comes on strong with unsolicited life advice they react badly. Stymied, Vic asks a suspicious Jane for her advice on how to reconnect with their children. Still questioning his motives, Jane pulls no punches, telling Vic the only answer is to put in the time.
Karl cajoles Aaron into joining him on a bike ride. While Aaron ultimately agrees it was just what he needed, Karl is put out when he thinks a group of younger riders is mocking him. When he confronts them, he only manages to embarrass himself, accidentally spreading the legend of Dr. Pooper.
Neighbours streaming from 7.30am, Monday to Thursday, on Freevee UK

Bear and Suni in Doctors this coming week on BBC One
Outside a conference room at the university, Suni is given the lowdown on one of the panel members for the tender pitch, Myrna. Inside, Zara introduces her Bear and Suni but hands the pitch
over to Suni to give. Suni starts with a joke… that goes down like a lead balloon. Zara and Bear despair.
Myrna asks Suni some tough questions, which he stumbles over. Zara jumps in and reminds Suni about some examples he’d prepared and Suni gratefully finds his feet and continues. Suni gets back on track and gives a thoughtful and passionate presentation, which seems well-received by the panel. Myrna then asks Bear for their budgetary proposals – which is her area of expertise. It’s Bear’s turn to be nervous. Later, Zara, Bear and Suni have a drink in the Icon to debrief. They gave it their best shot and now it’s out of their hands.
Scarlett tells Jimmi about her panic attack. Jimmi offers to give her some techniques to help her work through her fear. Scarlett’s sceptical – thinking it’s going to be all about breathing – but Jimmi reassures her there’s a lot more to it. Scarlett tells Jimmi about the pressure to be able to drive to do VPAS. Jimmi helps her realise that the two things are separate – she needs to just focus on the test and not get bogged down in other worries. Scarlett can’t see herself passing though, but Jimmi helps her realise that it’s not the end of the world if it takes her a few attempts. Scarlett’s amused when Jimmi finally suggests breathing exercises.
Bear is already stressed when Scarlett warns him that someone took a photo of a patient at the Campus Surgery and posted it online. Seeing Luca was involved, Bear marches in to speak with him but is forced to wait as a patient arrives. Luca checks in with him later and frustrated, Bear accuses him of being complicit. Luca argues with Bear, stating he obviously had no idea Paige was taking a picture. Later in the week, Luca enters the staff room to find Paige. He’s annoyed with her for being oblivious to what she’s done and the trouble it could cause.
After being the bearer of bad news earlier, Scarlett meets Rob at the Icon for breakfast. Rob encourages her to eat before her driving test. Scarlett tells him about the techniques Jimmi showed her to deal with it, like accepting that she might have another panic attack. Later, Scarlett is nervous as she waits to take her test. Scarlett tries to calm herself and uses another of Jimmi’s strategies to help her through it.
Kirsty enters and says Bear wants to see her later. Paige sits with Sid, going over why Bear might want to speak with her. Later, Paige goes to speak with Bear. She assumes they’re going to offer her a full-time contract but finds out what she did wrong, and rushes out on the verge of tears. Bear rushes out after her and asks Kirsty to see if she’s ok. Kirsty is annoyed because Paige is nowhere to be found.
Suni and Zara are worried because they haven’t had an answer about the Campus tender. While on the phone with the patient whose confidentiality was broken, Bear gets an email about the campus tender and immediately rings Zara. Bear calls an emergency staff meeting…
Doctors, Monday to Thursday at 1.45 pm on BBC One and the iPlayer.RIVER CITY
River City is on a break, however, you can catch up on recent events on the iPlayer…