The pickers face their suitors…
In what the channel describe as an ‘explosive new dating show’, six singletons who are desperate to find love are faced with a dilemma – pick someone who ticks their usual boxes of what they want, or break their dating habits by opting for someone who’s more what they need.
Having chosen just one of two expertly picked matches based on their text message conversations alone, the singletons meet their blind date, before taking the extraordinary step of moving in together to fast-track their relationship. But what they don’t know is that just as they’re settling in with their new love interests, the suitors who they rejected will make a dramatic, unexpected return… as two become three in a newly formed love triangle.
After living with both new partners, each singleton faces an agonising final decision over which of the two they want to continue a relationship with and who they’ll kiss goodbye forever. Get ready for heads to be turned and hearts to be broken. In this first episode, we meet teaching assistant Jasmine, international DJ Lloyd and ex-pro basketball player Mike, who start their quest for love with no idea about the bombshells that await them.
Exploring their connections with two handpicked partners over text alone, they must choose just one to meet and then move in with. Will love flourish, or will they be left disappointed when they come face-to-face with their mystery match?

The pickers are Dan who is 27 and from North Wales. Entrepreneur Dan lives a high-flying life of non-stop travel. He’s the CEO of his own company and has never worked for anyone else in his life.
Danika is 30 and from Reading. An active gym-goer and Personal Trainer trainee, fitness is an important part of Danika’s life. Danika comes from a big family comprising many siblings, nieces and nephews, so she is looking for someone who is family-oriented, has a good sense of humour and good chat.
While 22-year-old Jasmine is a teaching assistant from Wiltshire. Having grown up without most of her fingers on her right hand, Jasmine’s developed a thick skin and her confidence has caught the attention of Paralympians and actors.

Lloyd is a 31-year-old DJ from Manchester. Although he was born in France, at a young age Lloyd moved to London, then Norway, before returning to London again. He therefore found growing up difficult, as he never felt like he truly belonged in one place. Lloyd’s attracted to tall girls with great bodies.
From Sheffield next up is Ex-Pro Basketball Player Mike who is 40. After growing up in Canada, Mike became a successful professional basketball player, going on to captain England in the Commonwealth Games and played for the Sheffield Sharks for 13 years, winning four championships. Whilst attraction is important to him, he doesn’t have a specific type.
And ZaraLena is a 31-year-old entrepreneur from Preston. During her last relationship, ZaraLena suffered from stress-induced alopecia universalis which caused all of her hair to fall out in just six weeks. She is looking for someone who shares the same sex-positive attitude and she considers a lack of sex to be a huge deal-breaker in a relationship.
Love Triangle, 10pm, Tuesday, April 23rd on Channel 4