Soap Weekly
Eden is knocked unconscious in Home and Away
This week in Summer Bay…
M O N D A Y |
Mackenzie is tended to by paramedics at home and is surprised to learn that she’s completely fine – what she thought was another heart attack must have just been anxiety. Given her recent health history, the paramedics suggest she return to the hospital, but Mac is certain she’s merely overreacted and tucks herself into bed instead. When Xander and Mali find her later, however, she’s unconscious, and Xander immediately begins chest compressions.
Levi is beginning to say his goodbyes to Summer Bay when Mackenzie is wheeled in by paramedics, Xander in hot pursuit. Levi is distressed to see his patient back in danger and wastes no time laying blame on Xander after he helped encourage her to return home – if Mac is okay, it will be no thanks to him, Levi snarls. With her life on the line, Tane, Xander and Mali gather at the hospital while Levi prepares to operate – will Mackenzie pull through?
Bree continues to process her guilt over Jacob’s death. She confides in Xander – she’s done a lot of work in therapy, but she can’t get past the fact that Jacob would still be here if it wasn’t for her. Xander puts it to her – what does it tell her that she’s finding this so difficult? And she instinctively knows – she needs to keep doing the work.
Justin and Kirby are working on writing the perfect song for his now-postponed wedding, and Justin’s enthusiasm is unmatched – Kirby can barely convince him to take a coffee break! After Justin tells her he doesn’t think she realises the importance of the song to him, she twigs – Justin is writing through his pain. Justin opens up to Kirby – he feels useless when it comes to Leah. “You can’t write her a letter, so you’re writing her a song” she soothes. Justin eventually concedes – he’ll slow down, but he can’t stop. He needs this right now.
T U E S D A Y |
Mackenzie’s loved ones sit in vigil at the hospital as they wait for news on her health, and Mali has stressed himself by reading online – a second heart attack so close to the first could be fatal, he reports. Tane is optimistic though – “This is Mac we’re talking about. She’s got this”. When Harper inadvertently breaks the news to Felicity, she joins them in waiting, and soon Levi delivers the news that Mac has made it through her surgery. As Felicity breaks down in relief, Tane holds her close, and the moment between them feels charged.
Later, Tane prepares to pack Mac some things for hospital, and Felicity arrives to assist. She’s direct with her ex when she asks about their moment together– “Surely you felt it too”. And Tane is honest – he did. But now he has to break her heart all over again – “I still love you, Felicity, but it doesn’t mean we can be together”. She’s devastated, but she holds it together. “It’s better that I know”, she tells him. Could Felicity finally be moving on from her marriage?
At Salt later, Eden is irked when Mali raises a toast to Doctor Fowler. She’s quick to dismiss it – he’s just doing his job – and Mali and Rose are shocked to learn that Levi is Eden’s brother. Eden quickly excuses herself and Cash is not far behind her with one pertinent question – “Is holding onto this making you happy?” As Mac stirs at the hospital later, Eden turns up just as Levi is extolling the virtues of family – hypocrisy, in her view. She leaves, and later she tells Cash she’s angry with herself – for a second, she had doubted her feelings about her brother. Never again. And after a run-in with Levi at the Coffee Cart, she has a proposition for Cash – let’s go away together after all. Today.
W E D N E S D A Y |
Eden is frustrated that Cash won’t agree to her suggestion of a few days away – he can’t leave Felicity in the state she’s been in. Not until he’s sure she’s OK. Soon Eden is venting to Flick, who takes it straight back to Cash – she doesn’t need her brother to mollycoddle her. Go away with the girlfriend you don’t deserve, she tells him. And he’s convinced.
Eden confesses to Remi the reason she’s so keen to get out of town– she’s had another run-in with Levi. Every time she runs into him, he just does her head in. Remi postures – is that because she secretly wants her brother back in her life? Eden is adamant this is not the case, but has he touched a nerve with her? Later, Cash and Eden arrive at their destination, but it’s not the hotel she was expecting. “Just the two of us in paradise” Cash muses, as Eden realises, they’ll be camping for the weekend…
Bree unpacks her counselling session with Remi – she’s realised she’s still living a very safe, controlled life, and her therapist has suggested breaking free of that. Bree’s the first to admit she has no idea where to start, but it seems Remi has something in mind. The next thing she knows, she is roaring along on the back of Remi’s motorbike, her first foray into danger. By the time she dismounts, she’s exhilarated, and knows what she wants to do with her life – she wants to take a page from Levi’s book and volunteer with Doctors Without Borders. And she wants Remi to come with her.
Harper grills Tane on his marriage – she’s noticed a shift in his dynamic with Felicity. Tane admits they had a moment the night before, but he shut it down. Harper presses further – is this a sign the relationship may not be over? But Tane is resolute – it is over. He just needs to stop loving her, he tells his friend.
Xander has been thinking about Mac’s recent SCAD event it’s sparked an idea – a fundraiser at Salt to raise money for further research. He loops in Rose and Bree to help him brainstorm before getting the okay from Felicity, and soon ‘Salt by the Sea’ is born!
T H U R S D A Y |
Theo is back from a visit with his mum and Kirby shares her worry with Justin – Theo had put his heart and soul into that wedding song, and now they’ve been working on it without him. They break the news to him together, and when Justin explains his need for something to focus on in Leah’s absence, Theo understands – it’s cool, he tells them. When he relays the story to Remi later though, it seems he may be more troubled than he’s letting on…
Remi confides in Theo about Bree’s Doctors without Borders ambitions – he had thought it was only a commitment for a couple of weeks, and agreed to go with her before he realised it would be a whole year. Remi feels awful, but he lets his girlfriend down gently and explains the misunderstanding. She’s quick to accept the situation, but her disappointment is palpable, and she abandons their dinner plans to go home alone. The next day, Remi has a solve, and he pleads with Bree to go without him – they’ll make their relationship work long distance. Bree is hesitant, but seems excited by the prospect of pursuing her dream. Will she go?
Roo is finding her feet at the Surf Club and is excited to contribute, but while John admonishes her for coopting his responsibilities, Alf brushes her off altogether when she offers support. Finally, Alf opens up to her – three committee members have resigned this week alone. And when Roo questions why they might be leaving, it seems Alf smells a rat – “That’s a very good question, Ruth”…
Eden is trying to make the best of camping but is obviously a fish out of water. Cash presses her – does she hate it? – and she grins as she replies – “I’m happy anywhere I’m with you”. He calls her out on her cheesiness, but he’s obviously happy to have her to himself, and later that night, things heat up between them in the tent. The next morning, as he removes a tick from a horrified Eden’s neck, he confides in her how much his camping trips with foster dad Garry meant to him as a kid, and that his best memories are of this place. He’s sorry she hasn’t enjoyed it. Eden’s obviously moved by the story, but can she bear to spend another night in the bush?
F R I D A Y |
Alf suspects he knows why the committee members are dropping like flies – they’re discontented after he went over their heads to reinstate John Palmer. After doing some digging of her own, Roo confirms – not only are the members unhappy that he disregarded their vote, but Simon Henderson has been whispering in their ears. He’s been telling them to quit out of anger over John’s return to teaching. Can they stop him before the committee dwindles any further?
Justin and Kirby still feel badly about their treatment of Theo over the wedding song, but when Justin sits him down to further apologise, Theo reaches boiling point and snaps – there are more important things to worry about than a song! It soon becomes clear to Justin – Theo is riddled with guilt following Leah’s breakdown – he can’t stop thinking about her in that clinic. After some sage advice from Alf, Justin reassures him – without his actions that night, Leah wouldn’t be getting the help she needs. “I’m always going to be here for you” he tells his nephew, “And Leah is going to get better”.
Eden has had her fill of camping and calls Remi to collect her, but when she hangs up the phone and turns around, Cash has heard the whole thing! Cash can’t believe she would go behind his back and soon the pair are arguing. She tells him he should stay without her, but he insists he wouldn’t have fun. Finally, Cash diffuses with a compromise – what if they stay one more night and then check into a fancy hotel? Eden softens, and she leaves Remi a voicemail – he’s off the hook, she’s staying.
Remi, meanwhile, is on his bike and on the open road, already heading out to pick up Eden. When the driver of an oncoming car is distracted by a tussle with his passenger, his car and Remi’s bike collide, and Remi is thrown through the air. When the driver, Wes, inspects a lifeless Remi, his assessment is grim – “He’s dead”. Panicking, Wes first destroys Remi’s phone, then insists they move the body. Despite initial protests from passenger Mickey, he soon complies, and the pair pile Remi into the car before gunning off down the highway…
Night has fallen at the campsite when Eden trudges out of the tent, toilet roll in hand. Hearing a noise from the nearby bush, she peers through the scrub to see Mickey – the passenger from Remi’s collision – digging a makeshift grave. Before she can process what she’s seen, Wes swiftly knocks her out from behind and soon she’s bound and gagged in the boot. When Cash wakes the next morning, his girlfriend is nowhere to be seen, and his cries out to her go hauntingly unanswered. Will he ever see Eden again?
Home and Away airs 1:45pm on Channel 5 and 6pm on 5STAR. First-look screenings air at 6:30pm on 5STAR and the series also streams on My5.