Whilst Dev serves their birthday lunch, Asha unwraps her present from Aadi and is shocked to find a beautiful bracelet. Noting a guilty look, Asha demands Aadi explain himself. Aadi and Nina are forced to admit they shared a kiss.
Later, Asha lets herself into Aadi’s flat to find him dozing on the sofa. She hurls the bracelet at him, asserts that she never wants to see him again and storms out.
Unbeknown to Asha, Aadi lies unconscious in his flat with the broken carbon monoxide alarm on the side. Will they realise before it’s too late?
Meanwhile, Craig calls at the café and assures Evelyn that she’s no longer under suspicion. Cassie hides her unease as Craig informs them that they’re still looking for Terry’s attacker and that same person stole a large amount of cash.
At No.9, Hope catches Cassie with a bag full of cash. Cassie offers Hope a slice of the money if in return she keeps quiet. Will Hope keep Cassie’s secret?
Elsewhere, Ed does his best to persuade Sarah that Damon’s a changed man and is trying to turn his life around. Sarah approaches Damon and after admitting that she may have been quick to judge, suggests they meet for a drink later. As a thrilled Damon heads down the street, he’s horrified to discover that his car has been crushed.
Also, Caitlin, the social worker, calls at No.5 and assures a frustrated Gemma and Chesney that things are moving in the right direction, but reports of this nature take time.
Coronation Street, ITV1, tonight at 8pm

Gabby asks Kim for advice and is amused by her ruthless response.
Meanwhile, Chas and Liam bond and end up sharing a kiss.
Elsewhere, Nicola struggles.
Emmerdale, ITV1, tonight at 7.30pm