There’s a shock in store for Gemma (Dolly-Rose Campbell) and Chesney Brown (Sam Aston) next week as they finally get to the bottom of their son Joseph’s mysterious illness when he is diagnosed with Lyme disease.
After weeks of worry, trips to the doctors and Gemma being removed from the house by social services under suspicion of deliberately poisoning the 12-year-old, things take a dramatic turn when he collapses at home.
Joseph is rushed to hospital where doctors tell his worried parents and grandparents that he has Lyme Disease, probably contracted from a tick bite whilst on a camping holiday.
They are relieved to discover it is treatable and he will make a good recovery.

Lyme Disease UK has been working with ITV soap’s writers to make sure the storyline depicts symptoms and treatments accurately.
Julia Knight, who volunteers for the charity as their Press and Community Outreach Manager, said:
“It has been my pleasure to work with the Coronation Street script writers to give them advice and pointers so that they could produce a storyline that is both realistic and engaging.
“Lyme disease can easily be overlooked if a person only shows viral-type symptoms initially, as in the storyline. Raising awareness of the disease and giving people the information about how to prevent it is essential.”
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted through tick bites that is treated with antibiotics.
It is most common to find ticks in woodlands, heathlands, and grassy areas, but they have also been found in urban parks and gardens.
Erythema Migrans, an expanding circular rash, is the most common symptom of the disease.
Other symptoms include fatigue, muscle and joint pain and nausea.
The Lyme disease UK website has prevention tips and instructions for removing ticks safely.