This week in Letherbridge…
Suni fusses over Nina as they arrive at The Mill. Scarlett makes fun of Suni, but is surprised when he tells her what happened to Nina. Zara tries to console Nina saying that many women have had similar experiences during gynae procedures. Later at the Campus, Zara is surprised to hear that Nina has invited Kirsty and Scarlett to join them both for lunch.
Rob tries to cover up his dismay when Sid joins him on his fishing trip. Sid isn’t a natural fisherman, and Rob does his best to teach him. After a rough start, the two men settle peacefully into the day. Sid asks Rob how he’s doing and is surprised by his revelation.
At the Icon, Nina has gathered Zara, Kirsty and Scarlett to talk about her painful hysteroscopy procedure and share their experiences. As the women talk, the problems they have all faced at one time spur Nina on to make a decision. She’s going to confront the people running the gynaecological services at St Phil’s and make a change!
Harriet tells Ruhma that she needs to deal with a disciplinary complaint from a mother who didn’t like her midwife’s attitude. Ruhma is uncomfortable because she’s worked with the midwife for years. Harriet points out that it’s Ruhma’s job now…
Ruhma goes to talk to Efe, the midwife in question and tells her that she’s going to have to be monitored following the complaint. Efe is shocked and points out that the mother who complained was very challenging. She’s furious with Ruhma and accuses her of selling out her old colleagues for the sake of a promotion! Nina meets Imdra a patient who recently had a painful medical procedure similar to Nina’s. Indra says that the pain she suffered was so bad she fainted twice. She felt that she had to trust the doctor, despite his lack of empathy. Nina says that she’s heard the same from a few patients and decides that it’s time for another visit to St Phil’s. She goes straight to the top and meets with Ed who runs the department, but Nina is in for a shock as he’s a blast from her past.
Kirsty pays a VPAS visit to Alan, a man in his 70s who is a carer for his wife. She has dementia. When he doesn’t answer the front door, Kirsty finds Alan in the back garden still in his pyjamas and clearly confused. Kirsty reminds Alan that she knew him and his wife at St Phil’s. Alan seems to recall, but Kirsty isn’t convinced.

Aidie a stand-up comedian gives some comedy therapy…
At Emma’s house, Luca reveals to Jimmi, Al and Zara that he will be the host for this evening’s Dinner With Distinction. Emma is stuck in Australia taking care of Chris, but she’s booked a special guest for the mean – Aidie (Played by Laura Evelyn who you’ll recognise from possibly Black Mirror, Last Christmas, Good Omens, Agatha Raisin or more likely the Gala Bingo sponsors adverts during The Chase) – and she’s a stand-up comedian.
Aidie finishes her act and invites the others to come up and try their hand at stand-up. The others aren’t impressed, so Luca goes first. The others aren’t impressed and Al realises that Aidie is actually there to do stand-up therapy with them all! Jimmi goes first, but he’s more interested in the benefits of this kind of therapy than being funny. Aidie encourages Zara to dig deep, with mixed results. Al is the last to go, but he’s not happy about it…
At home, Nina tells Suni about her encounter with Ed at St Phil’s. Suni can’t believe it when she reveals her history with Ed. Suni thinks she shouldn’t let her history with Ed stop her trying to help women who suffer from painful procedures. He encourages her to make a complaint about Ed, and she’s about to email it when she has an unexpected voice message – from Ed! At the end of the day, Nina fills Kirsty in on her trip to St Phil’s and meeting Ed again. Nina quickly change the subject in front of Scarlett and Suni.
Harriet finds Ruhma and tells her she’s made a mistake on the new rota. Ruhma, inspired by Nina, explains that she wants to try something new and reduce the number of on call midwives to enable them to work in the community. Harriet doesn’t think this is a good idea and asks her to can it, but Ruhma has already sent the proposal out to senior management; Harriet isn’t pleased but given it’s out in the world she agrees to have a look. She accepts that Ruhma has given it a lot of thought and agrees to bring it up at the next management meeting. Ruhma is delighted.
Rob meets social worker Darius Fraser at the police station, who is trying to find a foster placement for 12 year old Ryan. Jimmi treats Ryan’s mum and they discuss the case, with Rob telling Jimmi he wants to foster again. Jimmi is surprised and Rob thinks it’s a non-starter because of work. Jimmi suggests Rob speak to Darius. Darius is pleased and suggests Rob speak to his boss and they discuss reassessment. Rob mentions this to Jimmi who unintentionally implies Rob isn’t ready, or doing it for the wrong reasons. Rob speaks to Darius and explains his boss is open to flexible working, so Darius asks him if he wants to go for it…
15 year-old diabetic Vanessa ‘Ness’ Williams is packing mementos ofher mum when she’s interrupted by her dad, Matt Williams. He discusses their move from Letherbridge and pokes fun at her interest in Wicca type spirituality which annoys Ness. Ness then overhears Matt discussing the move and his girlfriend’s pregnancy and Ness accidentally drops her insulin out her bag. They discuss their move with Al and when Matt is out ofthe room Ness opens up about how she’s feeling to Al, who encourages her to speak to her dad.
Instead, she visits friend Carole Rowntree, a witch who Ness has been learning from. Ness wants to do a sacred circle for her dead mum, but Carole says she can’t and leaves Ness to say goodbye to Carole’s cat. Carole goes to see Al, who explains her recent tests show her breast cancer surgery was a success. Carole gets home and finds a page missing from her journal. Ness has taken it to the woods to do a ritual for her dead mum but begins to feel ill because she hasn’t taken her insulin.
Doctors, Monday to Thursday at 1.45 pm on BBC One and the iPlayer.