The green veg that divides has proved a sarnie hit…
Research commissioned by one bread brand took a deep dive into what makes the perfect festive leftover sandwich, with (unsurprisingly) turkey emerging as the most important element (80 percent).
Stuffing (66 percent), cranberry (49 percent) and pigs in blankets (40 percent) also made the list of favourite festive sarnie ingredients, as did mayo (25 percent) and a liberal sprinkling of salt and pepper (50 percent). However, the research also uncovered some more unconventional yet common additions to the classic yuletide snack, with as many as 70 percent of Brits insisting crisps are a delicious addition.
And it is also a YES for the contentious sprout, with 60 percent of those surveyed agreeing that the seasonal vegetable works well to complete the ultimate Christmas sandwich. Hot sauce (55 percent), red cabbage (71 percent), grated cheddar (53 percent) and even ketchup (76 percent) are frequently included, as are mustard (69 percent) and salad cream (58 percent).
Yet, according to the poll, commissioned by Hovis, the perfect festive sandwich is made with soft white bread (35 percent chose this over sourdough, wholemeal or seeded breads) with crusts on (84 percent). The highest number of respondents also voted for a medium sliced loaf (58 percent), and it must be cut in half DIAGONALLY (58 percent) and untoasted (66 percent).

Claire Parlour, Head of Marketing at Hovis:
“It’s clear to see that a classic leftover sandwich is a big part of the nation’s festivities and something we look forward to. Whilst we were a little surprised by some of the things the great British public like to put into their home-made creations – from sprouts to crisps and hot sauce – it’s great to see that we’re putting our leftovers to good use. At Hovis, we have been baking great bread since 1886. It’s undoubtedly one of the best basis for our Christmas leftovers, whether it’s toasted, or untoasted, soaked in gravy, smothered in butter or salad cream.”
On average, Brits will tuck into SIX festive sandwiches over the winter months, with 1.30pm on Boxing Day emerging as the time we most enjoy the traditional treat. Almost a third (33 percent) have argued with family over the Christmas lunch leftovers, with Brits making their leftover culinary treasures last for an average of THREE days, following the 25th.
Other than sandwiches, Turkey curries, bubble and squeak, soups and even turkey omelettes are other things Brits do with their leftover Christmas lunch.
Top Ten Sandwich Fillers…
- Ketchup (76 percent)
- Crisps (70 percent)
- Sprouts (60 percent)
- Red cabbage (71 percent)
- Slices of tomato (71 percent)
- Mustard (69 percent)
- Salad cream (58 percent)
- Cucumber (59 percent)
- Hot sauce (55 percent)
- BBQ sauce (48 percent)
Research of 2,000 Britons was commissioned by Hovis and was conducted by Perspectus Global in November 2023.