OTD, December 20th, 1976…
Peter Green visited Hoar Cross in Staffordshire where members of the Meynell family had recreated a traditional Christmas.
Margaret Hounsell reads the news from a day in the 19th century wearing a costume of the time. A stagecoach, pulled by horses, left Hoar Cross Hall and travelled along a lane to the Meynell Ingram Arms.
Guests dressed in period costumes arrived for dinner.
Peter Green spoke with members of the Meynell family who were in character while a group of hand-bell ringers played as drinks were handed out before a Christmas feast in the pub. A pig roasts on a spit and the chef prepares game dishes for the diners. A group of choristers sang carols outside the pub and the food was served. Peter ends the item with a piece to the camera dressed in Victorian bedclothes.