Balvinder Sopal
It’s safe to say Suki has had an eventful year. Where do we find Suki at this point in the storyline and how is she feeling?
“We find her in a real conundrum because Eve has gone missing, and Suki doesn’t know where or why or how. Over the course of the week she kind of starts to piece things together and it feels like things are leading all the way back to Ravi and Nish. She knows that they could potentially have a very good hand in Eve’s disappearance because they’re villains.
“Ravi has a history because he killed Ranveer, and also Nish as well, he killed the man that he thought Suki was having an affair with so they’re both dangerous people. There’s a real kind of danger around Eve going missing and the key players within that so Suki is just trying to find her feet with it all.”
How has it been working on this one-of-a-kind storyline since February?
“I’ve really, really loved it. I’ve loved seeing how it’s all come together because I think when we first did the promo we had no idea whatsoever. There’s been lots of theories, ideas and opinions so you think ‘Ooh it could be this’ and ‘Ooh it could be that’, and ‘Ooh that sounds interesting’. Even us here, we all had our own ideas, and then when the scripts came we were like ‘Oh this is how it pieces together’. For me, it’s the finer detail that is breadcrumbed along the way that is more exciting, but it’s all been wonderful.”
Are there any particular men in question that might find themselves on the wrong side of Suki by Christmas Day?
“Well there’s the obvious two! [Laughs] Tish said something really interesting and true, she said every man is an obvious choice depending on who the woman in question is. So for Suki, the obvious choice would be Ravi and Nish. I don’t know who else could have potentially crossed her, I mean she has had beef with Ian before. [Laughs]”
What has the reaction to the storyline been like over the past year?
“I think people have been really invested and engrossed. I’ve seen all of these theories online, people writing almost thesis’ on the whole thing which is quite extraordinary. I think people have loved it and people are really looking forward to the reveal and are wanting to know, so we just have to make sure we do a good job and execute that. I think it’s going to be brilliant and I think people are going to be on the edge of their seats.”
How did you feel when you finally found out?
“Let’s just say I was very excited to get going, and I couldn’t wait to be able to break it all apart and find the inner workings of what was going to happen and then put it all together again and execute it.”
Can you give me three words to describe what viewers have got to look forward to over Christmas?
“Oh gosh it’s so hard to narrow it down. So there is absolutely a lot of drama to come, I think it’s epic drama as well and it is fascinating. I think the story, the way it unravels is really thrilling and fascinating.”
How does it feel to be part of the Christmas Day storyline?
“It’s an honour. I couldn’t have asked for a bigger and more iconic storyline to be involved in. I think this is Christmas, Eid, Diwali, every religious festival, birthday’s, you name it, all in one. It’s made my life.”
What are you doing for Christmas?
“I will be with family like we always are every year. My sister will come round and I will be with her girls, and it will just be a time to hold each other close and look over the year and just be grateful for what we have.”
How has it been working alongside the other leading ladies over the past year?
“I’ve loved it. It’s been like sitting in an acting masterclass every time I’ve been with them. It makes you bring your a-game and I’ve just learnt so much watching them, and learnt so much about them as people as well. There is a huge amount of love, respect and admiration for them all. It’s been exquisite and I’m really lucky and humbled to have shared the space with them.”