Letitia Dean
It’s safe to say Sharon has had an eventful year. Where do we find Sharon at this point in the storyline and how is she feeling?
“That’s putting it mildly! It’s been a really tough year for Sharon’s but at this point she’s trying to put everything behind her and is looking forward to marrying Keanu. Sharon believes that once that ring is on her finger, she can move forward and put the events of the past year behind her. But she is also carrying a huge amount of guilt because she adores the close bond that Keanu and Albie have, and she knows that if this secret were to ever come out, she could lose everything.”
How has it been working on this one-of-a-kind storyline since February?
“It’s been great. I’ve worked on some brilliant Christmas storylines during my time in the show but this one felt different because for the first time, the audience are one step ahead of our characters. It’s so cleverly executed and the writing has been fantastic. It’s also been lovely to work with the other women, it’s like we have formed a really tight little group.”
Are there any particular men in question that might find themselves on the wrong side of Sharon by Christmas Day?
“Oh yes! Keanu obviously isn’t the man Sharon thinks he is and although she is wracked with guilt over Albie’s paternity she has no idea he is keeping this massive secret. Family is everything to Sharon, and the idea that Keanu would purposely play with her emotions in such a cruel way would absolutely break her. I don’t think she could forgive him for that.
“And then there’s Phil. Say what you like about their dysfunctional relationship, but through all of their ups and down over the years, they have always had each other’s backs so it is tearing her apart that she is betraying him over Albie and we all know how Phil can react when he’s burnt by those closest to him. Phil will do anything for his kids, as will Sharon, so it could be disastrous for them both if the truth were to ever come out.”
What has the reaction to the storyline been like over the past year?
“It’s been brilliant. We’re all so thrilled at the reaction, and it’s great fun to read all of the theories. Some of them have even changed my mind over the course of the year!”
How did you feel when you finally found out?
“Shocked! I was not expecting it, and I don’t think any of us were! I’m excited to see how it will play out as I think the viewers are going to love it. Although it was easier not knowing as now I’m scared to open my mouth in case I say something I shouldn’t!”
Can you give me three words to describe what the viewers have got to look forward to over Christmas?
“Viewers can expect lots of drama, a whole heap of tension and there is definitely going to be that shock factor.”
How does it feel to be part of the Christmas Day storyline?
“I’ve been involved in so many great Christmas storylines and this one is really up there for me. Although at this point, I’m surprised Sharon doesn’t skip the holiday altogether given her track record!”
What are you doing for Christmas?
“Unlike Sharon, I will hopefully be having a less dramatic Christmas and enjoying the festivities.”
How has it been working alongside the other leading ladies over the past year?
“It’s always great to be part of a big story, but to be part of something that has gone on for nearly a year with Sharon and the other five has been wonderful. I love and adore each and every one of them, and we’re all just so excited to be a part of it.”