As Christmas in Weatherfield is never easy, Coronation Street regulars Lucy Fallon, Tina O’Brien and Charlotte Jordan ponder their real festive season away from the famous cobbles.
What are your plans for Christmas Day? Will you be doing the cooking?
Lucy – I’m very excited, it’s my first Christmas with Sonny and we’re going to my sister’s which is really nice, there’s going to be loads of us there.
Charlotte – I too won’t be cooking, you have to go somewhere else then someone does the cooking for you. I don’t mind doing the washing up though, I quite like cleaning.
Tina – I absolutely won’t be cooking either, we’re going to go out for lunch. I get really overwhelmed, I know it sounds ridiculous but looking at the fridge full of food and the thought of all the different things you have to cook. You can’t eat anything for days before because it’s for christmas, you can’t get to the booze for all the food haha, so we’re going out for a really nice meal this time.
Are you a sprout fan?
Tina – Not really no but if they’ve got cheese or bacon on them then I’m in.
Lucy – It’s an absolute no from me, not even with bacon, I’m not even going there. To be honest turkey’s not my favourite either, I’d much prefer a big ham but sprouts are a definite no.
Charlotte – I don’t mind a fried sprout, with some bacon or cheese, or lots of butter, something to deflect from the sproutness. There’s that thing of you have to have sprouts because it’s Christmas but I don’t even do turkey, I don’t like turkey.
Who goes all out for decorating at Christmas? Tree real or fake?
Charlotte – I can’t go too big because I live in a flat but I do enjoy it, I’ll get a tree, I’ll do lots of lights and make it as festive as I can. You can get companies which come along and collect your real tree now and replant them which is lovely.
Tina – I’m torn on trees so I have both, very boujee haha. We have a big artificial pre lit tree in the hallway then a real one in the living room where all the kids decorations go on, which Scarlett now hates because there’s one of her face from when she was about 3.
Lucy – I have a nice big pre lit artificial one, it comes out every year, very sustainable haha.
Do you get dressed up on Christmas day, or is it Christmas jumpers, matching PJs?
Lucy – It depends where I’m going or who I’m with, this year I feel like I want to get dressed up a bit, maybe a bit festive, a bit sequinny. We’ll also be doing family Christmas pyjamas.
Charlotte – On Christmas Eve we do christmas jumpers, I’d also like to do christmas pyjamas, and festive doggie pyjamas for Olive!
Tina – We’ve done festive PJs before but I’d really like to do the family pyjamas thing properly for all of us this year.
Do you love Christmas? Still a true believer?
Tina – I feel as I’m getting older I’m getting a little bit more bah humbug with the whole Christmas thing, when the music starts in September it drives me mad. I think maybe because we film Christmas in October I’m a little bit over it by the time the real thing comes.
Lucy – I’m the ultimate Christmas fairy, I would have Christmas every day of the year. I fully believe in Santa as well.
Charlotte – I really love Christmas too.

Do you have any family traditions that you follow every year?
Lucy – When I was younger we’d always sit at the top of the stairs and my dad would go down into the lounge first to see if he’d been (santa) and we’d all be shouting has he been, has he been, it was very cute, so I want to do that this year for Sonny. Ryan can sneak down and I’ll be at the top of the stairs with Sonny all excited.
Tina – Me and Adam always have an evening watching Die Hard and drinking cocktails pre Christmas. I also quite like to make a wreath, the outcome is not always the best but it’s fun.
What presents are you hoping for this year? Any hints?
Lucy – Maybe something sparkly, to go on my left hand (laughs)! I do have a list, Ryan sends me a list so it’s only fair that I send him a bigger list.
Charlotte – I think it’s important to be very clear about what you’d perhaps like. My boyfriend went rogue last year and it was a disaster.
Tina – I don’t tend to have a list anymore but maybe this is where I’m going wrong.
What would you buy for your character this Christmas?
Charlotte – I don’t know if I’d buy Daisy anything, she’s on the naughty list this year.
Tina – For Sarah, maybe a book on the mistakes not to make in the pursuit of pleasure!
Is there anything you watch on TV every year?
Tina – The usual Christmas films, The Snowman for sure, that for me just makes it feel like Christmas.
Lucy – I like all the Royle Family Christmas specials, they really remind me of Christmas, and the Gavin and Stacey ones, I will always re-watch those.
Charlotte – Always The Holiday, the classic cheesy Christmas romance, it’s so good, featuring a young beautiful Jude Law.
Will you be making any New Year’s Resolutions? Do you manage to keep them?
Tina – No I’m terrible, I think it reminds me of being at school, so I don’t tend to anymore. I do the classic I’m going to be really healthy and eat really well this year but it never works.
Lucy – No I don’t either, I used to make one every year and say this year I’m not going to bite my nails but here we are 20 years later!
Charlotte – I have no follow through so there’s no point! I am what I am, take it or leave it.
Coronation Street airs on ITV1 and STV every Monday, Wednesday and Friday