This week in Letherbridge…
It’s Jenny’s first day at St. Phil’s and she’s determined to do better than at The Mill. Ruhma assures Jenny that she’ll do great. Ruhma talks about their first mum – Anne Richards – it’s her second birth and the first birth didn’t go so well: Anne had to have an emergency caesarean and is worried in case it happens again. In Anne’s room, her husband, Dez Richards , paces anxiously – he clearly the more worried of the two.
They’re both nervous, but Jenny reassures them. Dez and Anne open up about their previous birth and how traumatising it was for Anne to have to go through it alone. That’s why they want an epidural, so that even if they do need a caesarean, Dez can be with her. As Jenny and Ruhma leave the room, the labour ward is noticeably busier.
Another mum, Lacy Feltham arrives and Ruhma heads over to deal with her, leaving Jenny to fetch some gas and air for Anne. The ward is full to bursting and Ruhma can’t locate a bed for Lacey. Jenny reports back that they need to wait for an anaesthetist for Anne’s epidural. Dez starts to get annoyed at how busy the ward is and how understaffed it seems. But he’s reassured when Jenny arrives back with gas and air. Dez asks again about the epidural and Jenny goes to check. On the ward, Lacey is still waiting for a bed. Anne’s gas an air suddenly runs out, and Jenny has to go and find more.
Dez wants to speak to Ruhma, but she’s tied up with other mums, so he isn’t happy. Lacey asks if it’s always this busy, but Ruhma says today is one for the record books. Ruhma and Jenny finally manage to take a much-needed lunch break.
Bear is outside a hotel and he sees a woman called Becky collapse. He does CPR and tries to save her life.
Bear is badly affected by the situation and can’t believe it when he is treated like a hero the next day at work when it turns out a passer by filmed his heroic action. He is visited at The Mill by Josh Harker, Becky’s husband. He explains Becky is in intensive care and unconscious. Bear gives Josh a lift to hospital and goes to visit Becky. He’s surprised to see Ruhma looking after Becky.
It turns out Becky was pregnant when Bear saved her life. She is being looked after by Dr Isla Bancroft in ICU. Bear visits them again and Becky ends up having another cardiac arrest, and this time they don’t think she’ll regain consciousness. Ruhma informs Bancroft that the baby has survived and Josh has to make a decision about whether to keep Becky on life support to help the baby reach a safer age to deliver her. Josh is overwhelmed by the decision and leaves. Bear finds him in the park and they discuss the situation. A few days later Josh arrives back at the hospital for the birth of his child.
Once the baby is delivered Josh has to say goodbye to Becky as they switch off the life support system and Josh is left to look after the baby on his own.

Bear convinces Sid to invite his dad’s new girlfriend, Martine, to lunch. It’s awkward when Martine arrives – especially when Tye calls to say he’s running late. Sid and Martine try to make uncomfortable conversation as they wait for Tye. Eventually, the ice breaks as they start sharing funny stories. They end up having a great time and make plans to have coffee another time with Tye. Later that evening, Sid tells Tye about his lunch with Martine and how well they got on.
Sophia is surprised at how down Al seems – she thought he seemed a bit better when she left him. He tells her about how he tried to move too fast and things regressed. But he’s also realised that he does want to get better and get back to work one day. Sophia’s pleased at his resolve and that he’s being more open with her than before. They’re interrupted by Al’s mum calling. He explains to Sophia about how he let Eve down before when he couldn’t leave the house to go to her when she had a fall. And he’s determined not to let her down again. Sophia thinks he might be more ready than he gives himself credit for.
Luca is due to visit Brendan and his wife Roisin, who is on palliative care. Brendan is shocked with his daughter Bronagh turns up – it’s clear that they don’t have a good relationship. Bronagh worries about how fragile Roisin looks and wonders how long she has left. This rubs Brendan up the wrong way, and they argue.
Roisin tells Luca that Bronagh is joining a nunnery and Brendan doesn’t approve. Bronagh doesn’t understand why Brendan is so judgemental and asks what his problem is. He tells her how much they struggled when they moved over from Ireland – which they did to give her a better life. She asks why they didn’t move back if it was so hard. Brendan doesn’t answer but Roisin walks in, informing Brendan it’s time they told Bronagh everything. She can’t go to her grave with this hanging over them.
Doctors, Monday to Thursday at 1.45 pm on BBC One and the iPlayer.