Jay desperately tries to make amends but Ben and Callum shut him out, wanting to protect Lexi. Jay procures some drugs from Ravi but Gina stops him from taking them.
Gina convinces Jay to head to No.29b where they put a plan into action to speak to Lexi. Ben and Billy are reluctant, but once inside, Jay finally has an honest conversation with Lexi.
Meanwhile, Karen tries to pull on Zack’s heart strings in an attempt to help get Keanu access to Albie. After Keanu and Zack have an emotional conversation, Zack reasons that he’s a good dad and later manages to persuade Sharon to put Keanu’s name on Albie’s birth certificate.
Elsewhere, Priya and Suki continue to irritate each other; Cindy tries to make peace by inviting Elaine to lunch.
EastEnders, BBC One, tonight at 7.30pm or watch on BBC iPlayer now

Ed becomes agitated with Ronnie questioning him about the mate who lent him money. Ronnie suspects he’s been gambling for longer than he’s letting on.
Ronnie confronts Ed and demands he tell him the truth. Ed admits he had a win on the horses but swears that he’s done with gambling and it won’t happen again.
Joel is uneasy when Dee-Dee confides how Ed used to have a gambling problem, it almost split the family up but it’s all in the past.
Meanwhile, in the Bistro, Daisy’s annoyed to clock a customer staring at Ryan’s scars. When Ryan calmly explains that he was the victim of an acid attack, Daisy is full of admiration for him.
As Daisy praises Ryan for the way he’s coped with his injuries and Ryan admits he couldn’t have done it without her, it’s clear they still have feelings for each other.
Later, when Ryan admits that he’s in love with Daisy and reckons she feels the same, Debbie advises him to steer well clear as he’ll end up getting hurt.
Elsewhere, Aadi tells Asha how miserable Courtney is living in a poky flat and how she deserves better. Asha has an idea. Asha and Aadi set about redecorating the precinct flat.
Coronation Street, ITV1, tonight at 8pm

The chemistry sizzles between Jacob and Victoria and it’s not long before the two are locked in a passionate kiss.
Meanwhile, Marlon comforts a crushed Ryan, but the relief is palpable when a frantic Gail rushes in to announce that, against all the odds, she and Oscar are a match.
Emmerdale, ITV1, tonight at 7.30pm