Next week, ITV’s Coronation Street is set to cover a storyline that will see DJ, Ryan Connor, collapse as a result of his secret steroid addiction that started after he was left with life-changing scars from an acid attack.
When a photo of his scarred torso ends up online, we begin to see his addiction take hold, with effects such as anger and heart palpitations highlighted, before he ultimately collapses as a result of his steroid abuse
Sadly, the fact that ITV and Coronation Street are shining a light on this topic reflects what is happening to many individuals up and down the UK. Social media’s constant pressure to make your body desirable is leading younger adults – particularly males- to go to extreme methods to achieve this look.
In fact, UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) reports that over one million people in the UK are actively consuming steroids for aesthetic or performance-enhancing purposes. Anabolic steroids are class C drugs, that should only be taken legally with a prescription from a doctor or medical professional.
Amid the current Corrie storyline, ATV Today Lifestyle asked Dr. Catherine Carney, Psychiatrist at Private Rehab Clinic Delamere to outline some of the most notable side effects of anabolic steroid misuse, how to spot the signs that someone may be too reliant on using them, and how to seek out support and treatment.
What are the side effects?
Mimicking the effects of testosterone, steroids can increase muscle mass, decrease fat levels in the body, and also enhance athletic performance. Due to these effects on the body, they are typically abused by athletes, bodybuilders and weightlifters who want to enhance performance, look stronger and ‘bulk up’ their appearance.
The physical side effects of the drug can differ between males and females. Steroids copy the effects of the male hormone testosterone, which is why they increase muscle mass and improve athletic performance. However, abusing steroids can also have detrimental negative effects on the body and mental health and well-being of a person.

Coronation Street – Monday 27th March 2023 – Ryan Connor goes into the pub for Daisy Midgeley is to find Justin there. Justin advances on Daisy but Ryan quickly steps between them and as Justin throws acid from his glass at Daisy, Ryan takes the full force.
Typical physical side effects of anabolic steroid abuse in men:
- Acne
- Physical reduction in the size of the testicles
- Decreased sperm count potentially leading to potential infertility
- Hair loss
- Increased breast tissue
- High blood pressure
- Cardiovascular health issues – Increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots
- Stomach pains
- Swelling in the legs due to fluid build-up
- Reduced sex drive
Typical physical side effects of anabolic steroid abuse in women:
- Acne
- Growth of facial and body hair
- Loss of breasts
- Deepened voice
- Irregularities and problems with periods
- Increased sex drive
- High blood pressure
- Cardiovascular health issues – Increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots
- Stomach pains
- Swelling in the legs due to fluid build-up
As well as the undesirable physical side effects of steroid abuse, the drug can also have a negative impact on a person’s mental state. Steroids are known to cause aggressive and irritable mood swings that have been dubbed as ‘roid rage’. Unfortunately, these mood swings are not the only negative psychological implication of taking steroids.
Psychological side effects of steroid use can include:
- Aggressive mood swings
- Depression
- Manic behaviour
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Psychosis
Signs that someone is addicted to steroids:
Unfortunately, anabolic steroids do have addictive properties, and plenty of individuals using them ultimately end up getting hooked on the drug. The drug impacts the brain’s reward system, which is one way that people can become addicted to the substance, due to the withdrawal symptoms.
A second way that addiction can form is that people may develop an obsession with the perceived physical changes that the drug causes and continue their usage to maintain or increase their physical attributes.
There are some typical indicators to be vigilant for that would indicate that someone is addicted to steroids.
- Gaining muscle mass at a rapid and seemingly unhealthy rate
- Excessive exercising
- Exhibiting signs of body dysmorphia and obsession with body image
- Continuing to take steroids despite experiencing negative physical and psychological effects
- Spending large sums of money on purchasing steroids from untrustworthy sources
- Attempting to hide or mislead in regard to their steroid use
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking steroids – withdrawal symptoms include: aggression, depression, fatigue, insomnia, loss of sex drive
How to get treatment for steroid addiction:
If you are having issues, or if you fear that someone close to you may be suffering from an addiction to anabolic steroids, professional help should be sought.
For treating addiction, a tailored rehabilitation program is the best method, to not only help to develop coping strategies to reduce the reliance on the drug but also to take the time to understand the psychological reasons behind the addiction.
A rehabilitation centre is the best place to get help, as they can provide a structured and personally tailored approach to helping someone with their addiction.
Coronation Street airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV1 and STV.