This week in Shieldinch…
Facing an uncertain future, Lou delights in having her mum, Eve back home. They discuss the possibility of Lou visiting South Africa for a couple of months but Lou falls short of revealing the cause for her PTSD. Concerned about Lou, Eve suggests that a new perspective might be what’s needed. Lou tentatively broaches the subject of a new beginning with Amber who quickly shuts down the idea.
Later, Lou confides in Sonny that she’s toying with the idea of a new beginning but, unfortunately, Amber overhears them and rages at her. It proves to be the catalyst for change as Lou makes a startling decision. Elsewhere, Dean turns to Angus and Bob for relationship advice and quickly discovers they’re no experts. Realising how awful their collective track records are, Dean takes matters into his own hands and asks Madonna out on a date.
Bob and Angus are chuffed for Dean but he initially hides the identity of his mystery woman. That is, until Bob realises who she is…
Sam confides in Caitlin that he’s keeping Poppy’s gambling addiction a secret from Stevie. When poppy announces she’s moving in with Stevie, Sam is conflicted as Caitlin urges him to tell the truth. However, when he encounters Stevie at the Tall Ship, Sam doesn’t have the heart to tell his elated son and burst his bubble.

Lou tentatively broaches the subject of a new beginning with Amber…
With his paranoia growing, Tyler confronts Nicole about her suspicious behaviour. She denies anything is going on suggesting he’s being possessive. Nicole later meets up with Alex and the pair agree their affair has run its course, it’s over, no harm done. However, unbeknown to Nicole, Tyler watches them from afar…seething.
Tyler confronts Nicole who finally admits she’s been having an affair with Alex but it was nothing more than sex. She minimises her actions and belittles Tyler’s hurt however he turns the tables on Nicole, leaving her stunned.
Elsewhere, Brooke returns to Shieldinch and ramps up the pressure on Lou. Haunted by the demons of her sister’s death, Brooke vows to end Lou’s career and make her life a misery.
Amber confronts Lou about her snap decision to start a new life in South Africa. Fearing she’s fleeing for all the wrong reasons, Amber tells Lou all the guilt she feels will simply follow her. Lou is unconvinced, driving a wedge between the couple. Amber seeks guidance from Lydia and Lenny who are at odds with their advice, leaving her torn.
Bernie and Gillian play matchmaker when they discover Mikey has a new potential love interest. Mikey downplays the connection with Jonathan, insisting they’re just good friends but Gillian and Mikey aren’t convinced.
River City, Monday and Wednesday, 10pm BBC Scotland Channel
Repeated Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm on BBC One Scotland