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OTD 1980: Butlins Holiday Camp Skegness

On this Day

OTD 1980: Butlins Holiday Camp Skegness

On this Day, July 24th, 1980

Terry Lloyd visited the Butlins Holiday Camp in Skegness. This was the very first Butlins to be opened by ‘holiday dream maker’ Billy Butlin. Terry talks with Midlands visitors to the resort about the appeal of Butlins. A couple from Coventry note the site has ‘great entertainment’ and they have ‘really enjoyed it’ despite the miserable weather. Two young girls from Lincolnshire say that ‘there’s so much to do, its good fun’.

Terry gets out of the camp by giving the gatekeeper a stick of ATV Today rock.

The Skegness site was founded in 1936 and is noted as being the UK’s first-ever holiday camp and, Butlin’s notes that, ‘it is just as popular now as it’s always been. We’re super proud of our rich heritage, so you’ll find many original elements combined with 21st-century facilities.’ In the late 1990s, the site was re-branded as a holiday resort and remains open today as one of three remaining Butlins resorts. The site is home to a GradeII original chalet, which has been preserved to how it would have been back in the 1930s.

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