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No Such Thing As A Fish podcast goes live


No Such Thing As A Fish podcast goes live

‘Fact-based comedy podcast’, No Such Thing As A Fish, returns to the Soho Theatre for a summer season of facts, dorkery, bad puns, yetis, moss and many very special guests. 

The NSTAAF team:

“We’re thrilled to coming back to the Soho Theatre. The most exciting thing is that with a brilliant line-up of guests and all-new facts at every performance, even we have no idea what will happen. All we can promise is each show will contain dozens of nuggets you’ll be desperate to tell your friends, as well as a few so outrageous that you’d probably be best keeping them to yourself.”

No Such Thing As A Fish started in 2014 and since then has been downloaded nearly 450 million times. The idea is simple: every week, each member of the team tells the others the most interesting thing they’ve found out in the last seven days. In their 475+ episodes to date they have covered topics including Ancient Greek yo-yos, Neolithic dentistry, Mongolian Death Worms, illegal doorknobs, parachuting dogs, the world’s oldest ham, the world’s slowest shark, the world’s largest chicken nugget, and the mysteries of President Garfield’s anus.

The show is normally hosted by Dan, James, Andy and Anna – four of the researchers behind BBC2’s QI. However, there will be one change to the line-up … due to Anna’s maternity leave, they will be joined by a surprise guest each performance.

The show has won multiple awards, enjoyed three spinoff books and two BBC Two TV series, and toured the world from the Sydney Opera House to the Hammersmith Apollo. And now it’s coming back to Soho for eleven sizzling summer shows, each with a magnificent special guest. Previous guests have included Stephen Fry, Sally Phillips and Tim Minchin – as well as a European Space Agency astronaut, the Natural History Museum’s fly curator, and the lead singer of Slipknot.

Soho Theatre 17th July – 21st August:

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