The Retreat is an absurd comedy narrative variety show, hosted by comedians Rebekka Johnson and Anne Gregory, coming to the Underbelly for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe every night at 8pm. The show lampoons a kick-off event at a corporate retreat for the fictional company – ‘Men-ses Period Panties’ – and features an array of guests in between the hosts’ campy, alt-comedy turns.
The Retreat takes comedy variety to the next level. Our charismatic but demented hosts – She-E-O’s of Men-ses; Diana Corn (self-proclaimed “feminist disrupter”) and Silver Surfer (clueless nepo baby) – reveal that Men-ses is failing miserably (mostly it seems, because they are colossal idiots who have no idea about running a company, and partly because Men-ses Panties are stupidly expensive, horrifically ugly, extremely toxic and don’t absorb a damn thing). Starting the show with an unwanted striptease to “It’s Raining Men (SES),” our hosts prove that they have zero shame when they proudly display their hideous menstrual undies. The hosts then share ridiculous PowerPoint presentations, read horrendous customer reviews and even sync their periods with the audience by howling at the blood moon.
The production will showcase a mix of the best guest acts from across the Fringe ranging from stand-ups, drag performers, sketch comedians and musicians (including “The Retreat’s producer, Kate Nash, fitting her Edinburgh performances around her live music gigs in August. Kate will appear as often as her schedule allows – exact dates TBC). Each night, our delusional “boss babes” will interweave the guest performers’ acts into their show, improvising new elements of the plot; making each performance part of the “Men-ses” storyline.
Anne and Rebekka are ecstatic to be having their World Premiere at the Edinburgh Fringe at the Underbelly. They have been workshopping their show in their hometown of Los Angeles to sold out crowds.
Listings Information
Show: The Retreat
Dates: 3rd – 27th August (not 14th)
Time: 8:00pm
Venue Underbelly Cowgate: Big Belly
Address: Teviot Pl, Edinburgh EH8 9AG
Price: £8-£12
Box Office: /