This week in Shieldinch…
In Monday night’s episode distressed Lydia struggles with how to deal with Andrew after the assault; Alex worries his fling with Nicole could jeopardise his future with Karen; and some bad news forces Angus to deal with ghosts from his family’s past.
Struggling to deal with the aftermath of her assault, an exhausted Lydia urges Lenny not to take actions into his own hands – they must deal with this the right way. Instead, Lydia seeks medical support and finds herself confessing all to Dr Gillian, revealing she was raped by Andrew. Gillian offers medical advice and also words of support as Lydia’s friend, urging her to report the rape to the police.
With Gillian’s words ringing in her head, Lydia heads to the Tall Ship for a drink and finds herself confiding in Maggie talking about her “friend” who was assaulted by her co-worker. Maggie offers her insight into the situation which empowers Lydia.
However, Lydia’s horrified when Andrew confronts her in the pub, downplaying the seriousness of the assault, suggesting it was a simple misunderstanding.
Elsewhere, at the Oyster Café, Alex is thrilled when Karen admits she misses him. As the estranged couple reconnect, their moment of closeness is interrupted by the arrival of Nicole who delights in making Alex uncomfortable. When Nicole suggests a truce with Karen, Alex is suspicious, fearing temptation will overshadow his family’s future.
Rebecca is stunned when she discovers Angus has kept news of a family bereavement from her. Angus reluctantly reveals his mum’s side of the family have a complicated history and he won’t be attending Granny Pat’s funeral. However, Rebecca urges him not to let the past derail his final goodbye to his gran.

In Wednesday night’s episode Lou is forced to confront ghosts from her past when DCI Brooke Shaw backs her into a corner; Stevie has a business idea that could keep the peace between Scarlett and grandson Callum; and Maggie has to decide between business and pleasure.
Lou is blindsided when DCI Shaw confronts her about a hidden past. Shaw abruptly questions Lou about her unique tattoo – an exact match to one Shaw’s dead sister Denise had. A thrown Lou has to think on her feet, and sheepishly admits an undercover past investigating sex workers in Aberdeen but insists she barely knew Denise. Lou insists she wanted to tell Shaw the truth but didn’t want to open up old wounds.
Shaken by this revelation, Shaw can’t believe that Lou would keep this from her and digs for more information but draws a blank. Back at home, a rattled Lou confides in Amber she’s worried Shaw is on to her.
Elsewhere, Stevie finds Scarlett at her wits end as she struggles to deal with Callum who is more interested in playing computer games than going to school. As the two bicker, Stevie spots an opportunity to encourage Callum’s interests and make some money along the way – become a professional gamer.
Back at Spiller & Son, Stevie is buoyed by Poppy’s support while Sam is confused by the concept. All he needs now is Scarlett’s support to give up school and pursue a new, uncertain, endeavour.
With Maggie’s cleaning business keeping her busy, Sonny has romance in mind with a date to remember. However, Maggie’s date prep is curtailed when a lucrative new client comes calling and she must decide between business and pleasure.