These are questions that everyone from the casual UFO fan to the avid researcher has asked and debated. Sci-fi author and UFO experiencer Dan Harary, weighs in and provides insight as to why governments have not told us about aliens.
“There are two long-held theories as to WHY these government officials have not yet disclosed this remarkable and history-altering information from us. The first is to prevent mass panic. In 1938, actor Orson Welles presented a live radio play entitled “The War of the Worlds,” from New York. During the course of that program, thousands of Americans from coast to coast were convinced that Martians had arrived on Earth and were killing people.
“The show caused a widespread panic and Welles had to later go back on the air to tell his huge listening audience that the show was simply “theatre.” Just nine years later, after the Roswell crash, President Truman was well aware of the “War of the Worlds” panic, and chose not to reveal the crash – nor the retrieval of four dead alien bodies – to the world.”
Dan Harary explains another reasoning…
“The other theory as to WHY governments around the world have not yet revealed alien existence to humans is this: Given the huge distances that aliens would have to have travelled from their home planets to Earth, they are clearly thousands of years ahead of us with their technologies. They have surely developed “free energy” – that is energy that does not require oil or gasoline!
“The theory goes that if aliens shared that “free energy” technology with humans, the need for oil and gas would vanish, and the largest corporations and the wealthiest humans on the planet would suddenly be without income. The global economy itself would be changed dramatically and forever. Since oil runs the Earth at present, this possibility scares global leaders to no end,”

Space 1999 ITC/ATV/Group Three Productions
However, Harary believes that one day, hopefully soon, aliens will either reveal themselves or world leaders will come forward and disclose that information to the general public.
“I’m quite sure that one day soon – and possibly, given the recent downings of three UFO’s over Alaska/Canada/Lake Huron, VERY SOON – that DISCLOSURE – the term that has long been used by top UFO researchers who have been begging the U.S Government to reveal all their long-held UFO/Alien secrets with us – will be taking place. I’m almost 67 years old – I truly hope that Disclosure – or the obvious arrival of Aliens on the White House Lawn, or in Times Square, or on Hollywood Blvd. – takes place while I’m still alive. Or perhaps during the lifetime of my daughter.
“I was hoping that President Biden, when recently addressing the three recently shot-down UFO’s over Alaska/Canada/Lake Huron, was actually going to tell the world, “We just took down three craft from the sky that were not from our world!” Alas, that moment didn’t happen. Meanwhile, in my new book, ‘After They Came,’ I offer the idea that extraterrestrials will present themselves here on Earth to the global media when they arrive to save one man’s life and, through him, all of mankind.”
Born and raised just outside of Asbury Park, New Jersey, Dan Harary, which rhymes with Ferrari, is a longtime resident of Beverly Hills, California, and is best known for his 40-plus years of work in Hollywood as an Entertainment Industry Publicist and as the owner of the boutique Asbury PR Agency.
During the course of his long PR career, he has worked with many dozens of famous celebrities from the fields of movies, TV, rock and pop music. In addition to his newest book “After They Came,” Dan is also the author of a 2022 Hollywood memoir “Flirting With Fame: A Hollywood Publicist Recalls 50 Years of Celebrity Close Encounters.” Flirting With Fame was covered in major media outlets including Newsweek, the New York Daily News, the Village Voice, the LA Times, the Hollywood Reporter, LA Weekly, and many others.
Dan experienced three other UFO events in his life, is a UFO researcher and a longtime member of the Los Angeles-based UFO group UPARS – the UFO & Paranormal Research Society – formerly known as MUFON/LA.
Harary’s new book is now available on Amazon