Letitia Dean has been the iconic Sharon Watts, on and off, since the very first episode. Now she’s flashing in a forward fashion.

Sharon Watts
EastEnders has never aired a flashforward scene before. How did you feel when you heard about the story?
“I think we were all really excited about the storyline and to be a part of it. Chris asked us all for a meeting and he explained his vision which we were all really intrigued by. I think we were all just really excited and honoured to be asked, it’s very exciting.”
How was it filming alongside Gillian, Balvinder, Kellie, Lacey and Diane? Are you all excited to be in this together?
“It was just great. They’re all such fantastic actresses and we always have a great time on set together. We we’re filming a pretty intense scene but we made sure we had time for a good giggle as we always do. I’ve known some of these ladies for such a long time, which is great because the longer you’ve worked together, the more you all get each other’s rhythms and we know what works between us. It’s also been great working with Bal more closely, I’ve done a few scenes with her as our characters have been linked in the past but it’s been wonderful to do more with her and I love them all dearly.”
The end of the episode ends in a classic whodunit – can you give us any clues on who you think has done it, and who you think meets their fate?
“Oh I wish I had an idea, but at the minute I think it’s so open – and I have been through a few of these storylines before and I rarely get them right – so I’m sure over the next year I’ll change my mind a thousand times, but it would purely be guesswork at this point!”