Diane Parish who portrays Denise Fox in ‘Enders talks about her take on the plot…

Denise Fox
EastEnders has never aired a flashforward scene before. How did you feel when you heard about the story?
“I think we were all shocked at first but we were also intrigued and thought ‘wow what a brilliant idea’, what a bold, brave idea. Quickly afterwards we were like ‘but hold on flashforward means that we’ve got to stay looking the same for a whole year. Same haircut, same nails, everything’, and all those sort of things so it’s challenging in a number of ways.”
How was it filming alongside Gillian, Letitia, Balvinder, Lacey and Kellie? Are you all excited to be in this together?
“Oh yeah. Anytime you get the women together in this show it’s great. And we’re a nice little mix of women, and I’ve worked with all of these women for a long time. I haven’t worked with Bal [Balvinder Sopal] so much actually so it’s going to be fun over the next year doing a bit more with Bal, but I always enjoy working with the other ladies.”
The end of the episode ends in a classic whodunit – can you give us any clues on who you think has done it, and who you think meets their fate?
“I don’t dare say who it is, because I’m quite good at guessing things and I don’t want to say it and blow it. But in terms of whodunnit, I don’t know why but I think it’s me. I’m really scared it’s me, so I might have to make some plans, because I might be going down. If anyone out there can help me, help me (laughs). But no, I have absolutely no idea, and it could be any one of us because there’s so many strong stories going on with all six of us. We call ourselves ‘the six’ and with all of us we’re all driving towards a very clear point in terms of trouble, problems with the men in our lives, so there’s a lot going on for all of us so it literally could be any one of us.”