Kellie Bright who plays Linda Carter talks this latest Walford drama…

Linda Carter
EastEnders has never aired a flashforward scene before. How did you feel when you heard about the story?
“I felt very excited when I heard about the story. I was very intrigued… I’m still intrigued because I don’t really know that much about it, other than what has just been shown. I think it’s a really clever thing that the team have come up with, I can honestly say I’m really thrilled to be part of it. I’m excited about it”
The end of the episode ends in a classic whodunit – can you give us any clues on who you think has done it, and who you think meets their fate?
“Well, I mean this is all guess work on my behalf, but in my mind I haven’t done it. But that is just based on nothing other than what I think or felt when we were filming it. I’ve got a feeling, I had a very strong feeling, or more of an idea that the victim was going to be a really big player in this show and I’ve slightly changed my mind, and I think it might be someone who is not in the show yet. A character that we’re yet to meet.
“If I had to put money on it, I don’t think it’s me and I don’t think it’s Di [Diane Parish]. I also think it could be a group thing, with the women all protecting each other but who knows, they could be protecting Linda!”
How was it filming alongside Gillian, Letitia, Balvinder, Lacey and Diane? Are you all excited to be in this together?
“I think we’re all really excited to be in it together. We’ve very quickly formed a WhatsApp group called ‘The six’, because that’s what Chris Clenshaw said he’d been referring to us as in the offices before people knew. What I love is, obviously I get to work with Tish [Letitia Dean] a lot which is fantastic because I love her, but I don’t actually get to work with a lot of the other actresses very much at all so I’m really pleased about that although I don’t actually know how much interaction we are going to have over the next year. Obviously I know it’s going to culminate into a story that involves us all but I think the threads leading up to that are all our individual stories.”