The mother of deceased Mick Carter 3/1 to become new Landlady despite taking a break from Walford ‘for the foreseeable’.
Shirley Carter is amongst the early favourites to be reinstated as the next Landlady of the Queen Vic on BBC’s Eastenders, according to bookmaker William Hill.
Shirley, who was joint-Landlady of the iconic pub between 2018 and 2020, is 3/1 to assume the reins after her son Mick’s presumed death in the Christmas Day special.
That price makes Shirley the joint-favourite to become the pub’s Landlady, alongside Linda Carter, who was left as the sole owner following Mick’s departure from the show.

Linda Carter;(KELLIE BRIGHT);Mick Carter (DANNY DYER);Janine Butcher (CHARLIE BROOKS)
Shirley was seen making an exit from Albert Square following Mick’s death, having blamed herself for his demise, when she orchestrated the exposure of his new wife – the scheming Janine – who had plotted her way into the pub and his bed. Mick was last seen attempting to save an already safe Linda from a sinking car which went over a cliff into the sea on Christmas Day as Janine and Linda battled for control of the steering wheel.
William Hill Spokesperson, Lee Phelps:
“The Eastenders Christmas Special served up some typical drama, with Danny Dyer’s much-loved Mick Carter the latest character to seemingly depart the show. That poses the question of who is next in line to assume control of the Queen Vic, with Shirley and Linda Carter the joint 3/1 favourites to become the new Landlady of the iconic pub.
“Also keep an eye out for another former Landlord, Ian Beale, who is narrowly behind in the betting at 4/1 to regain control after a brief ownership spell between 2020 and 2021.”

Mick Carter (DANNY DYER), Shirley Carter (LINDA HENRY)
William Hill – TV/Specials – Next Queen Vic Landlord After Mick Carter
Shirley Carter
Linda Carter
Ian Beale
Ricky Butcher
Sharon Watts
Nancy Carter
Janine Carter