Stephen is relieved to see the £10,000 in his account. When Jenny then reveals that she’s had a call from the hospital informing her that Teddy has taken a turn for the worse, he is quietly thrilled.
Stephen tells Jenny that just before Teddy’s accident, he confided in him that he saw Leo in Canada and he made it very clear that he never wanted to see either of them again.
As the New Year celebrations begin, Stephen tells Elaine that he’s got a feeling 2023 is going to be a good year.
Meanwhile, Billy encourages Summer to attend Amy’s party, pointing out that she can’t avoid Aaron forever. Billy confides in Paul that he hopes Aaron will be able to make her see sense over her surrogacy plans.
Elsewhere, Roy joins Evelyn and Brian and reveals that for the last two years he’s been secretly studying for his VBRV, Volunteer Bat Roost Visitor qualification.
Also, Glenda encourages Todd and Sean to bury the hatchet.
Coronation Street, ITV1, 8pm

A guilty Jacob tries to reconcile with David after his fake family meal.
Meanwhile, Bob is mocked for his out-of-date tunes.
Elsewhere, Bernice tries to recruit people for her menopause support group.
Emmerdale, ITV1, 7.30pm