Stu’s feeling lighter for knowing the truth but it’s clearly a struggle for Yasmeen. Dee-Dee calls into Speed Daal and informs Alya the results are in. She is shocked by what she hears
Meanwhile, arriving home to find Sally doing a disco aerobics workout, Tim gamely joins in. Afterwards, they share a passionate kiss.
Later, Sally and Tim are elated after having sex for the first time in months. They head over to the Bistro, where Ed asks them to share their table Aggie’s awkward as Sally admires her necklace, unaware Tim bought it for her.
Seeing that Aggie is puzzled by his and Sally’s flirtatious behaviour Tim sends her a text – but is horrified to realise he sent it to Sally! How will she react?
Elsewhere, Leanne and Nick both receiving visiting orders from Harvey Gaskell. Nick rips them up but Leanne is curious as to what he wants.
Also, Max rows with David for showing no faith in him.
Coronation Street, ITV, tonight at 8pm

When Will finds out Harriet isn’t coming to the wedding, Kim is left puzzled by his change in mood. Sensing something is wrong, Kim goes looking for Will.
At the scrapyard, Kim listens in as Harriet fights for Will’s love. What will Kim do with this knowledge on the eve of her big day?
Meanwhile, Aaron has a realisation.
Elsewhere, there’s anticipation for Liv and Vinny.
Emmerdale, ITV, tonight at 7.30pm