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Kaye Adams talks Strictly departure


Kaye Adams talks Strictly departure

The Loose Women regular was let loose by the SCD judges at the weekend.

After a charming Charleston to Music! Music! Music! by Dorothy Provine, Kaye and Kai found themselves in the bottom two in Sunday’s results show against Matt and Nadiya who performed a Samba to Night Fever by The Bee Gees. Following the dance off, it was the end of Kaye and Kai’s Strictly journey as they became the first couple to leave this year’s competition.

For their first interview following their elimination on Sunday night, Kaye and Kai spoke exclusively with Rylan on Strictly – It Takes Two about their exit out of the competition.

When asked about dancing the Charleston, Kai said : “The first week you [Kaye] were a bundle of nerves but this week it was the perfect dance to come out and just go “here we are, look at me and lets just have some fun.” And yes it wasn’t THE best Charleston the world’s ever seen but for you it was a massive achievement.”

Kaye added: “This man should be a motivational coach, I’ve learned so much from Kai, beyond dancing, from his attitude to competing, coaching and getting me ready for the dance off which I found really difficult. I’ve seen a few people saying “she looked like a rabbit in the headlights” and all I can say is, Yes I was. I blanked. I was tired!.

On the judges’ comments, Kaye said: “I thought the judges’ comments were fair, I really didn’t have a problem with them at all. There’s so many wonderful dancers there, Molly’s dance at the end I just thought was fabulous… I put my hands up and say well done!”

Strictly Come Dancing 2022,23-09-2022,Generics,Kaye Adams & Kai Widdrington,*NOT FOR PUBLICATION UNTIL 20:50HRS, FRIDAY 23RD SEPTEMBER, 2022*,BBC,Ray Burmiston

On being eliminated from the competition, Kai said:  “We knew it was going to be a tough night because everyone is upping their game after week one, the standard this year is so good, there’s seven or eight there that could be in the final easily, so we knew it was going to be a tough night and to get through would be difficult.”

On being in the dance off against his girlfriend, Nadiya, Kai laughed: “Last year when I did my only dance off it was also me against Nadiya and I knocked her out, so we’re 1-1 now… we’re even.”

On her time in the competition Kaye said: “It’s been fantastic it really has, I’m going to cry, it’s been a privilege to meet Kai.”

When asked by Rylan what she will miss most about being part of Strictly Come Dancing, Kaye responded: “The people, I’m going to miss the people, in a nutshell.”

When asked what he’d like to say to Kaye, Kai said: “Thank you for all the laughs that we had and the endless amount of flat whites that I bought you in the morning, I’m sorry I can’t keep bringing you them. I hope you can take away joy, because that was our main thing, that you enjoyed it and had fun. I think you can look back with fond memories and be glad that you said yes to do this. I don’t think your dance career is over just yet.”

Strictly – It Takes Two continues every weeknight at 6:30pm on BBC Two and Strictly Come Dancing airs on Saturday and Sunday nights on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.

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