This opinion feature contains Mildly offensive Language.
Social media users are continuing to question, mock and remain outraged at the actions of the ‘darlings of ITV daytime’ – Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby when video footage allegedly shows them fast-tracking their way to view Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin in Westminster.
Five years ago, it seemed like ITV was attempting to kill off Kim Woodburn’s career as she’d dared to dislike their Loose Woman Coleen Nolan and that on-screen hatchet job backfired spectacularly when it ended up with Loose Women drawing some of the biggest complaints in regulator Ofcom’s history, and a petition of over 30,000 signatures suggesting the one-time backing singer be sacked. So, with that in mind, you’d think ITV Daytime would have learned its lesson to not bullshit to their viewers, but apparently, social media think they have done just that once more…
This comes after a recent controversy which saw This Morning ‘trivialise’ the cost-of-living crisis by offering, as part of their Spin to Win competition, to ‘pay electricity bills’. How fun that must have sounded to the middle-class luvvies in the office coming up with brilliant ideas for their common poor viewers… and the complaints were rebuked by Schofield with a smirk and sly dig on the programme the following day.
ITV Daytime noted that the most recent controversy for the show wasn’t as it seemed. Rather than queue jumping it was ‘work’. Willoughby – hiding behind a mask – and Schofield – looking like he’d just shit himself – had entered the Westminster Hall as part of ‘filming for This Morning‘. Social media sniffed bollocks a mile off, which is more than the pair walked to see Her Maj, and have been taking the piss ever since.
Here are my top ten favourite Tweets about the seemingly ‘privileged pair’ who didn’t appear in the 12 hour queue unlike proper journalists such as Susanna Reid or British icons such as David Beckham.

Couldn’t give a shit… Phil and Holly ITV/This Morning 15/09/22
Word on the Web – Showbiz 10 – Phil and Holly’s ego’s taken down a peg or ten…
1 – A spoof account of William, Prince of Wales noted that ‘If Phillip Schofield can wait 27 years into marriage before coming out, he can wait 13 hours in a queue.’
2 – EastEnders character homage ‘Shirley Carter’s grieving Pussy’, observed the earlier Kim Woodburn fiasco when Philip attempted to ‘expose’ the real Queen of Clean and she held her own. ‘One person who has always had Phillip Schofield’s card marked since day one is Kim Woodburn. The way she refused to take any of his gaslighting behaviour’ And just to show how twatty This Morning is they have since this incident introduced their own titled ‘Queen of Clean’ but no one’s buying that twaddle.
3 – A simple clip from Mr Bean appears to have proved popular to sum up how viewers and social media regulars feel. The footage shows Bean (Rowan Atkinson) running past people lining up in a queue to enter a department store sale, stopping at the front of it.
4 – Debate on Talk TV also touched on the subject.
5 – This Morning and ITV dropped Eammon Holmes and Ruth Langsford as regular Friday hosts to do a few ‘box ticking’ exercises last year and the replacements have seen the ratings drop at the end of the week ever since. There also appeared to have been a rift between Langsford and Schofield in the past and she isn’t alone – with Fern Britton also not so much a fan of the silver haired host. Stephanie’s tweet observes this Ruth and Eammon situation.
6 – And some classy shade from Fern Britton herself…
7 – Some are so annoyed at the allegedly ‘smug’ and ‘privileged’ pair there is a petition to axe them from ITV – this is unlikely to happen as the hosts are pals with the ITV executives (noted in the 30th anniversary This Morning documentary) which means unfortunately professional decisions are side-lined for keeping their mates in jobs. (See the Nolan issue as an example of this).
8 – Philip does a few adverts at the moment – his most famous is ‘We Buy Any Car’ which has been turned into this fabulous piss-take.
9 – Neil observes, as many appear to feel online, that the pair ooze self-importance on screen and entitlement…
10 – Phil’s come out again…