Last night Channel 4 returned to the tent.
Yesterday evening, the much loved baking competition ‘The Great British Bake-Off’ returned to our screens on Channel 4 with competitors crafting tasty (or not so) looking desserts. This comes after Channel 4 confirmed that they will be showing the 13th season the show, as planned.
With this in mind ATV Today Lifestyle asked the team at Preply to take a look into some mouth-watering desserts we love that are actually mispronounced on a regular basis.
Crepes – “Krehpz”
This sweet pancake dessert best served with cream is commonly pronounced “Kraypz”, but the actual way to say it is “Krehpz”.
Petit Four – “Puh-tee Foor”
Petit Fours are small bitesize confectioneries that come in various types; from eclairs, to macrons, biscuits and many more. It’s commonly pronounced “Puh-teet For” but the actual pronunciation is “Puh-tee Foor”.
Madeleine – “Mad-lenn”
Madeleines are small sponge cakes with a distinctive shell-like shape acquired from being baked in pans with shell-shaped depressions. Many call them “Maah-duhe-line” but the actual pronunciation is “Mad-lenn”.
Macaron – Mack-ron
A macaron is a sweet meringue-based confection made with egg white, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond meal, and food colouring that goes right back to the renaissance era. Many pronounce them as “Mack-uh-roon”, but the correct way is “Mack-ron”. Not to be confused with the coconut biscuits with an extra ‘o’.
Beignet – “Ben-yay”
Beignet is a tasty type of fritter, or deep-fried pastry, usually made from yeast dough in France typically coated with icing sugar. The common pronunciation of “Bayg-net” is actually a mistake, and it’s pronounced “Ben-yay”.