Your Pick of the Plots for Monday, September 5.

Phil is shocked to discover who Keeble wants him to inform on, leading viewers to be taken back to 1979 to learn more about the Mitchell family’s chequered past.
It’s 1979, the Mitchells are hit hard by a Britain in economic turmoil. Peggy has her hands full keeping a busy household running whilst her marriage to Eric is showing its cracks.
Upon learning that Phil has a job at a garage, Eric decides to take Phil and Grant out on a ‘job’ in order to give them some work experience, despite Peggy’s disapproval. Eric and Phil are vying for the title of man of the house but who will come out on top?
With DCI Keeble’s obsession with the Mitchell’s ever increasing, will the truth of her vendetta against the family finally be revealed and can Phil ever escape the past?
EastEnders, 7.30pm, BBC One

Roy, Nina and Toyah warn Carla about the protest and urge her to take a closer look at Nadeem’s business practices. With the protest under way, Nadeem arrives at the factory, where an apologetic Carla confirms that the deal is off.
The police arrive but as Craig urges the protestors to disperse, Griff rallies the crowd.
As Carla and Nadeem emerge, Spider watches in horror as Griff pulls out a bottle and hurls it, hitting Craig on the head. Griff’s arrested whilst a terrified Toyah finds herself caught up in the melée.
Meanwhile, Sarah tells Stephen that she has arranged a meeting with a couple of potential investors. However, Stephen’s shaken when his wife, Gabrielle, arrives on the street, telling him she wants the 200,000 euros back that he stole from her company or she’s going to the police.
Elsewhere, Jenny confesses to Daisy that she snogged Stephen; Tim confides in Peter.
Coronation Street, ITV, 8pm

Nicola is close to tears when Harriet tells her they don’t have enough to prosecute Naomi, who still hasn’t come clean about her involvement.
Meanwhile, Liv is shocked when she sees Gabby and Vinny together, and calls out Sandra for manipulating the situation. Sandra plans to disrupt Liv’s sobriety.
Elsewhere, Nate is shaken when Mack reveals he has cheated on Charity with someone local.
Emmerdale, ITV, 7.30pm

The McQueens are haunted by mysterious notes as Mercedes fears her worst nightmare, Silas, has returned. When Grace refuses to help, Mercedes resorts to extreme measures to protect her family, but will it all be too much for her to bear?
Meanwhile, Mason tries to impress Ella but ends up pushing her closer towards a reunion with her ex-boyfriend Charlie.
Yazz encourages Leah to continue with her campaign to free DeMarcus, but cops the blame when a protest ensues.
Hollyoaks, Channel 4, 6.30pm