Your Pick of the Plots for Thursday, August 25.

Linda considers organising a carnival party as she tries to remain positive. Linda is grateful when Mick encourages Ollie to have a sleepover with her at Sharon’s.
Meanwhile, Stuart makes some big decisions about his future as his health situation comes to a head.
Elsewhere, Jack brings Amy back from the hospital and tells her to keep her distance from Denzel and Nugget.
Also, Billy confides in Finlay that Honey is the only woman for him and Finlay wonders what he can do to help.
EastEnders, BBC One, 7.30pm or watch on BBC iPlayer now

At the graveyard, Sam lays flowers on Alice’s grave as Lydia respectfully watches. They’re both curious to hear shouting in the distance.
As tensions continue to rise, and more people arrive, everyone is utterly shocked to find out about Amelia’s pregnancy. Bob has to physically restrain Dan from attacking Noah.
Meanwhile, at The Woolpack, Faith’s party is in full swing. However, there’s panic when she collapses at the bar.
Emmerdale, ITV, 7.30pm

Shaq and Nadira have a lot of explaining to do at their wedding ceremony when secrets are revealed and declarations of love are made.
The day has a happy ending for two unsuspecting lovebirds who make the most of the situation.
Meanwhile, Sid starts to realise that Imran has an eating disorder when he walks in on him throwing a tray of food off the banquet, but will his friend finally explain what has been going on?
Hollyoaks, Channel 4, 6.30pm