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You could save up to 84% by opting for plant-based alternatives


You could save up to 84% by opting for plant-based alternatives

At a time of money being tight for many, this may come as interesting news…

With the cost of living crisis worsening and food prices increasing, has looked into the difference between meat and meat replacement prices in the UK to find out how much you could potentially save.

Their top findings, shared with ATV Today Lifestyle, note that Swapping from meat to fake meat won’t save you any money but replacing both with lentils and beans could save you a lot.

Thus, if you replaced cod fillets with dried red lentils you could save up to 84% on your food bill. However, the research also showed that fake mince is 22% more expensive than normal beef mince. One in four adults are eating less meat to try and save money.

Jonathan Merry, CEO of

“With beef and chicken seeing the largest average price increase year on year, it’s no real surprise that many people are turning to alternatives in order to cut down their food bills.

“Our data supports the conclusion that rather than attempting to replace your favourite beef mince with a fake meat alternative, consumers would be best served financially to opt for high-protein, high-carbohydrate and cost-effective options such as beans and pulses,”

You can read the full research here.

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