Audrey Roberts makes a shocking admission to her friends next week.
Viewers saw Audrey – played by Sue Nicholls – receiving treatment in hospital last month, telling a doctor that she had accidentally taken too many tablets and this week (August 10th) she continues to insist that was the case to her own GP.
But in emotional scenes to be transmitted on August 15th Audrey confides in her friends Roy Cropper (David Neilson), Rita Sullivan (Barbara Knox), Claudia Colby (Rula Lenska) and Ken Barlow (William Roache) that the overdose was in fact deliberate.
The group have gathered for a belated birthday lunch at a local hotel and are stunned when Audrey confides in them that she attempted to end it all three weeks ago, but was thwarted in her efforts by a neighbour. As the pals try to come to terms with the shock revelation they ask her what led to the suicide attempt, confessing their guilt at not spotting the signs that their friend was struggling.
As the group discusses the problems that growing older can bring Audrey explains that she misses her late husband Alfie and that she had been feeling useless and depressed, turning to drink after suffering with her eyesight deteriorating.
Sue Nicholls, who has played Audrey since 1979, explains:
“Audrey is very sorry for what she has done and certainly her first reaction was to keep it from her family. Family do, and will always, mean so much to her despite the sniping now and again.
“She also enjoys and is grateful for being independent and living happily in her own home although the one big regret that has contributed to this latest situation is a wish that dear Alfie was still alive and there with her so that they could have grown old and equally doddery together. Her family, busy with their own lives, see her down and upset moments as her not being able to cope with the real world and she feels they have started treating her a bit like a child and she started to feel depressed. She is mostly very healthy and together but her depression seemed to take over totally.
“Once she was able to speak with her friends, and they then opened up about their struggles, she realised how much they had helped her immensely regarding her problems. Dr Gaddas prescribed her antidepressants but yet again her stubbornness kicks in and she doesn’t take them. Luckily talking to her long standing friends they persuade her to take the doctor’s advice and she thanks them sincerely for making life seem lighter in every way.

Sue continued:
“That is the message I want people to take away from this storyline, the importance of being able to talk to people you trust about how you feel. Sometimes the young generation might think that anyone over 70 isn’t capable of making decisions which in turn can make older people lose their sense of purpose and begin to feel quite useless.
“I am lucky enough to work with people of every age. I have no idea how old many of them are nor do I need to know. I enjoy speaking with them and taking on board what they say about issues we discuss irrespective of what age we all are. So I’d like to say ‘Listen Audrey, I’m still learning about life at 79 and I truly hope to continue’.
“I do hope this storyline helps older people reach out and start talking about how they feel and for younger people to be aware of how much the older generation still has to offer.”
The storyline coincides with the latest campaign under ITV’s mental health initiative, Britain Get Talking. The campaign encourages people to connect with others and not to experience dark times alone.

Jacqui Morrissey, Assistant Director of Research and Influencing at Samaritans, said:
“The reasons for suicide are complex and very rarely down to one issue, which Audrey’s story has really captured. Our listening volunteers hear lots of mentions of loneliness and isolation, which can affect anyone at any time. It’s crucial that people remember support is available – Samaritans can be contacted 24/7, free, on 116 123, email or visit”
Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK, added:
“Ageing can certainly bring its challenges. Loneliness is a serious problem for many, with loved ones passing away, mobility and health issues preventing them from getting out and about as much as they would like, not to mention the rapid increase in the cost of living. We’d encourage everybody who can to reach out to the older people in their lives, whether that’s by volunteering through Age UK or just popping in to their older relatives, friends and neighbours for a brew, calling up for a chat, helping with any errands and just generally being there for them.”
Coronation Street airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV/STV