Your Pick of the Plots for Monday, June 20.

Zack is wracked with guilt following his night with Sam and his guilt grows when a courier delivers a touching gift from Nancy. When Zack confides in Martin, he is advised to be honest with Nancy. However, when Nancy profusely apologises for her behaviour, Zack decides to keep it to himself.
Kathy tells the Carters that she is putting up a plaque in The Prince Albert in memory of Tina. To commemorate the occasion, Zack suggests a party. Zack is relieved when Sam assures him that she is not about to blab their secret. But, as the party for Tina commences, the truth is exposed.
Meanwhile, Chelsea is worried when Jordan seems under the weather. Clocking her unease, Sharon gets Denise to drop by and tell Chelsea that they have installed a video baby monitor.
Later, Sharon encourages Chelsea to stay after her shift for a drink but Chelsea’s worst fears are realised when she arrives home to find paramedics tending to Jordan.
Elsewhere, Stacey questions her future with Kheerat; Howie tries to avoid Kim.
Also, Peter encourages Dana to tell Bobby how she really feels.
EastEnders, BBC One, 7.30pm

As Max prepares for his date, he receives a message from Sonya asking him to send her a picture of the whole package so she can see what to expect.
Over dinner a perplexed Sonya reveals that she has never received any messages from him nor sent any back. Max and Sonya are horrified to realise someone has set them up. Outside Max’s phone pings with a message demanding £1k or his naked picture goes viral!
Meanwhile, Gail tries to wrestle a bottle of red wine from Audrey in the Rovers. Audrey and Rita finally bury the hatchet and raise a toast to growing old disgracefully.
Elsewhere, when Abi suggests that she would like to take Alfie to see Kevin, Wendy covers her unease. Tracy’s horrified to clock Wendy and demands to know what is going on.
Also, Tim laments to Sally that changing his medication has had no benefit and he’s worried their sex life is over.
Coronation Street, ITV, 8pm

Chas’s heart breaks.
Meanwhile, Nicola struggles after her attack.
Elsewhere, David is worried about money.
Emmerdale, ITV, 7.30pm

Wendy plans to kidnap Bobby and even tricks him into stealing his own passport. Mercedes realises the danger her son is in when Sally mentions Silas.
Mercedes comes up with a plan to save Bobby.
Meanwhile, Liberty has a big proposition for Damon as she asks him whether he would like to adopt Faith. Damon is over the moon, but Sienna feels threatened.
Things take a dangerous turn when Sienna airs her concerns to Warren.
Elsewhere, Olivia tries to convince her fiancé to take charge in his partnership with Romeo, but will he take her advice?
Hollyoaks, Channel 4, 6.30pm