The show is described as ‘a ground-breaking series offering fabulous new looks for a wide range of people not served by mainstream fashion.’
Kate Thomas, Commissioning Editor, Features & Daytime:
“We’re delighted to be opening the doors to The Unique Boutique on Channel 4. The series promises to be a joyous and moving series featuring a diverse range of personal stories and suitably diverse fashions. We hope the brilliant team, both in front of and behind the camera, will kickstart a real-world revolution in fashion for all bodies.”
The series will meet contributors for whom high street shops don’t provide and introduce them to a unique fashion hub that caters for every possible style need. At The Unique Boutique, a highly skilled team of expert designers and tailors will hear each person’s candid stories about the challenges they’ve faced finding clothing from conventional retailers – be they physical, psychological or financial – and then, together, create for them an especially adapted, outfit to match their taste and needs.
Bringing people from all walks of life together, the designers will fightback against the limitations of the mainstream fashion industry and create bespoke outfits to make each shopper feel truly unique.
The Unique Boutique is made by BBC Studios and will air across four episodes.
Ally Castle, Disability Consultant for Channel 4:
“I have been delighted to support the commissioning of this exciting new format where there is space for disabled people and others to be their best, most glamourous, selves and to challenge the fashion industry’s lack of inclusivity along the way”
The Unique Boutique is currently in pre-production and will premiere on Channel 4 and All 4 in 2023.