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Home and Away: Marilyn feels a little invaded

Pick of the Plots

Home and Away: Marilyn feels a little invaded

This week in Summer Bay…

MondayA concerned Dean notices Chloe’s possessive behaviour around Bella & tries to intervene. But Bella feels guilty for kicking Chloe out and causing her to sleep with Theo. Sensing dishonesty, Dean has cottoned on to Chloe’s guilt-tripping ways. Catching Chloe alone in his kitchen, Dean gives her some stern words. He knows Chloe’s game, and warns that it will turn Bella against her in the end.

When Chloe & Theo have a friendly run-in after their night together, sparks seem to fly. Theo takes this as a good sign & asks Chloe for dinner. Her enthusiastic agreement quickly sours upon seeing Bella, leaving Theo wondering, why the hot/cold treatment?

A good-spirited Roo offers to help Marilyn find some purpose in her life by writing a list of activities. Marilyn feels a little invaded, insisting her earlier complaints were just a bad day. Marilyn suspects Roo’s concerns are covering her own worries about Martha. But Marilyn agrees to keep the peace & Roo happy.

TuesdayMackenzie is still buzzing from her poker night success. Logan is in the dark about her gambling operation but is loving this new sunny-spirited Mackenzie. Flaunting her new confidence, Mackenzie takes Logan out for a hot date at Salt. But Ryder is desperate to discuss more potential gambling nights

In the wake of Theo’s punch, Leah tries diplomacy with Dimitri, pleading Theo’s case. Something must have set him off, Theo is never violent. Dimitri blames Theo for the problems in his marriage.

Meanwhile, Justin tries to wrap his head around Theo’s sudden violent outburst. John stands by, knowing the truth, but not wanting to prematurely air Theo’s secret history of abuse. Facing an interrogation by Leah & Justin, Theo claims his outburst was due to Chloe rejecting him. But Justin suspects that’s not the real reason he attacked Dimitri. As if on cue, John arrives with some information for Leah & Justin… They are gutted to learn the truth of Theo’s abuse by Dimitri.

A loved-up Nikau & Bella finally get some time alone together. Their excitement is interrupted by a call from Chloe, but Bella doesn’t answer. Her time is all Nikau’s for now. When Nikau & Bella show up at the Diner for a romantic dinner, Chloe accuses Bella of abandoning her in her hour of need. At her wit’s end, Bella snaps at Chloe. All she’s done for weeks is unconditionally support Chloe, but she’s entitled to her own life.

WednesdayA bristling Dean checks in with Tane about Chloe. Why is she avoiding her own house? Tane hardens at the suggestion he’s letting the family go astray. Dean is determined to draw up boundaries so Bella can get her life back. Justin is at a loss with Theo & Leah off visiting Theo’s Mum. Eager for a sympathetic ear after the Dimitri debacle, Justin seeks out Ziggy. Ziggy assures Justin he’s been Theo’s greatest supporter.

Logan is a dog with a bone. He knows Mackenzie is hiding something from him, but she won’t budge. To put him off the scent, Mackenzie claims she’s organising a surprise for Logan, but she didn’t want him to know. Logan isn’t put off that easily, seeking out Dean’s insight on the situation. A protective Dean tells Logan he’s got nothing to worry about but goes straight to confront Mackenzie about her debt situation.

Mackenzie & Ryder draw up some ground rules about discussing Poker nights in public. Rule number 1 – never around Logan. They stage an impromptu work meeting at Felicity’s van, sending a half-naked & grinning Tane on his way.

Marilyn gets the impression that Roo’s fevered mission for finding purpose is not entirely for Marilyn’s benefit. But seeing Roo’s need for direction, Marilyn agrees to go along for the ride. First stop, group meditation. But Roo’s overnight expertise puts Marilyn off meditating. Ever compassionate, Marilyn declares her sense of purpose restored & thanks Roo for her help

ThursdayDean struggles to wrap his head around Mac’s deception. If she was only planning themed nights at Salt, why the secrecy?

Mia is frustrated by her inability to help Chloe, who is clearly emotionally drained. Tane is Mia’s rock right now, she appreciates him stepping up in the wake of Ari’s death. Tane is giving all his time to help the family.

Felicity & Cash have a chance run in, joking that they feel like strangers. Felicity catches Cash up on Tane’s demanding family obligations. Cash suggests that Felicity was once a master at sneaking out, perhaps she could surprise Tane by sneaking in to his place? Felicity buzzes at the prospect, her rebellious streak in full blaze. Mia frets that she’s getting in the way of Tane & Felicity’s relationship. Felicity encourages Tane to get outside help for Mia, since she’s clearly not coping. Felicity knows the signs of a breakdown, she had one herself and almost took Cash down with her.

Cash & Jasmine’s plans for a romantic weekend are derailed by an offer from Rose to spend time with Jasmine. Cash is gently encouraging; this is a good sign that Rose wants to build a sisterly relationship with Jasmine.

Trying to bridge the rift, Rose tells Jasmine that she’ll never forgive her father for abandoning Jasmine. But for Jasmine, it’s too much to hear, and locks herself in her room. Cash tries to play peace keeper. But Jasmine confesses to Cash that seeing Rose having the life she deserved, with a loving supportive father, is making her jealous & resentful.

FridayA determined Tane pushes through Mia’s reluctance to seek help. She’s clearly not coping and shutting everyone out. Mia sits Tane down to give him the news: she’s leaving the Bay for good. And she’s taking Chloe with her.

Despite her jealousy & resentment towards Xander & Rose, Jasmine tries to connect with them.

They drop the formality of brunch and go for a casual walk to the lighthouse instead to ease the tension. Xander & Jasmine bond over their work – Xander is a paramedic. Rose notices the growing warmth between Xander & Jasmine with caution. Cash privately admits to Rose that Jasmine was incredibly nervous about this. It took him hours to convince her to text back.

Roo is anxiously awaiting the return of Alf & Martha to Summer Bay. She & Martha left on a bad note last time, so Roo is eager to set a more conciliatory tone this time. As she makes last minute preparations, Roo is stumped by a call from Kieran, Martha’s son.

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