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Top Tips to Manage High Blood Sugar Levels


Top Tips to Manage High Blood Sugar Levels

The advice comes as part of the build up to Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week…

According to Diabetes UK, 90% of people who have diabetes have Type 2. This is not a condition you are born with and your health habits can make all the difference in how you cope with it. In order to raise awareness of Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week (Monday 23rd May – Sunday 29th May), we spoke with various diabetes experts for some top tips on ways to manage high blood sugar levels using natural and simple methods…

Work your way to less stress

Research has found that those who work in stressful jobs can have an elevated chance of developing the disease and if you already suffer from the condition, intense periods of stress can also cause your glucose levels to increase. Some advice from leading nutritionist, Dr. Marilyn Glenville:

“You may not be able to control the stress but you can control how it affects you physically and also you can make sure you are not making it worse.  There is a chance that your pattern of eating is subconsciously telling your body that it is under even more stress.  If your blood sugar levels fluctuate (as they do even more so for women), your body will be releasing adrenaline which is the same hormone it releases when you are under stress. Try to keep your blood sugar levels and energy levels stable by eating something every three hours. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner plus a snack mid morning and one mid afternoon, with no longer than three hours between,”

Be aware of excess weight

Excess weight is an established risk factor for type 2 diabetes. For example, men in the healthy weight range for their height are seven times less likely to develop diabetes than those who are obese, while women of a healthy weight are a massive 27 times less likely to develop diabetes.

Dr Sarah Brewer explains why excess weight can trigger type 2 diabetes:

“When you are overweight, fat builds up in your liver, causing it to produce too much glucose even if you are already obtaining too much in your diet.[i] Excess fat also spills over from your liver to your pancreas where it accumulates and switches off the genes that regulate insulin production[ii].”

Cut down on carbs

Slashing carbs is a big help says nutritionist and diabetes expert Alice Yeates.

“Your carb intake strongly influences your blood sugar levels, your body breaks carbs down into sugars, mainly glucose. Then, insulin helps your body use and store it for energy.  Your body breaks carbs down into sugars, mainly glucose. Then, insulin helps your body use and store it for energy.  That’s why I’d recommend people to prioritise whole grains over processed ones and refined carbs.” –

Try Ayurvedic herbs

Ayurveda, the ancient healing system that has been treating chronic conditions for thousands of years, is making a resurgence. Herbs are a key component of Ayurveda and are key used for the regulation of blood sugar, insulin sensitivity, and other diabetic complications.  Bitter melon, for example, contains a chain of amino acids known as polypeptide-p, which is structurally similar to insulin and can reduce glucose levels, reduce glucose absorption from the diet and reduce the production of glucose in the liver, so that blood glucose levels improve. Others, such as turmeric and fenugreek improve insulin release from the pancreas or activate insulin receptors to reduce insulin resistance.

To get the benefits of these herbs, GP Dr Sarah Brewer recommends a herbal supplement called CuraLin which combines nine different Ayurvedic herbs that have a range of beneficial effects on glucose control and metabolism.

“Together, these work in synergy, and as a result, users report that their glucose control quickly improves and, in some cases, normalises within 4 weeks.  Users also report reduced cravings for sweet food, and experience improved energy, sleep, and general quality of life”, adds Dr Sarah Brewer.

If you are taking any medication, however, always talk to your doctor before taking supplements and follow their advice.

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