This week in Glanrafon…

Today is the day that Llŷr, Efan and Ioan officially move into Elen’s house and Llŷr has taken the day off work so that he can go and collect their things from the old house. Among their possession are things from his old life with Emma, and Llŷr tries to be sensitive to Elen’s feelings towards this.
Arthur’s love life seems to be improving as he receives some good news from Gloria, but just as he thinks that things are on the up, Mel is keen to burst his bubble!
The situation between Dani and the Ks is ongoing and there’s pressure on Dani to make a decision. Many are happy to offer advice but she realises that it is her responsibility. The tension is obvious between Mali and Efan as things seem to be going from bad to worse when a mysterious person decides to meddle.
But Mali and Efan’s problems are small in comparison to what Anest, Iestyn and Iolo are about to face at the Iard.
Heddiw yw’r diwrnod lle mae Llŷr, Efan ac Ioan yn symud i mewn i fyw i dŷ Elen yn swyddogol ac mae Llŷr wedi cymryd y diwrnod i ffwrdd o’r gwaith er mwyn casglu rhywfaint o offer o’r hen dŷ. Ymysg ei eiddo mae ambell beth sy’n perthyn i’w hen fywyd efo Emma, ac mae Llŷr yn sensitif iawn ynglŷn â theimladau Elen am hynny.
Mae bywyd carwriaethol Arthur yn edrych fel pe bai ar i fyny pan mae’n derbyn ychydig o newyddion da gan Gloria, ond mae Mel yn awyddus i roi pin yn ei swigen.
Mae’r sefyllfa rhwng Dani a’r Ks yn dal i bendilio yn ôl ac ymlaen ac mae pwysau ar Dani wneud penderfyniad. Mae sawl un yn barod iawn â’u cyngor iddi ond mae hi’n sylweddoli yn y diwedd mai ei chyfrifoldeb hi yw dewis beth i wneud. Mae tensiwn amlwg rhwng Mali ac Efan hefyd ac mae pethau’n gwaethygu pan mae rhywun dirgel yn ymyrryd â’u perthynas.
A beth yn union sy’n wynebu Anest, Iestyn, Iolo a’u dyfodol yn yr iard?
Rownd a Rownd, S4C, Tuesday and Thursday, 8.25 pm. English and Welsh subtitles.