This week in Cwmderi…

Britt is excited about one of her first ghost tours but Colin is worried that someone is following them. In the meantime, Kelly and Jason are concerned about Anita after things turn sour with Griffiths.
Britt isn’t happy that Colin refuses to entertain her plans for the business but it becomes clear that Britt is going to steam ahead without him. Andrea is disappointed to learn the real reason behind Garry’s departure. Jinx is keen to discover what Jaclyn is hiding but will Ffion be willing to help him? Iolo worries that everyone agrees with Siôn and thinks that he’s boring.
Mae Britt wedi cyffroi wrth iddi gynnal un o’i theithiau ysbrydion cyntaf tra bod Colin yn poeni fod rhywun yn eu dilyn. Yn y cyfamser, mae Kelly a Jason yn llawn pryder am Anita wedi i bethau fynd o chwith efo Griffiths.
Nid yw Britt yn hapus fod Colin yn gwrthod ystyried ei chynlluniau busnes ond daw’n amlwg fod Britt am fwrw ymlaen beth bynnag. Daw siom i Andrea wrth iddi ddarganfod y gwir reswm dros ymadawiad Garry. Mae Jinx yn awyddus i wybod beth mae Jaclyn yn ei guddio ond a fydd Ffion yn fodlon ei helpu? Poena Iolo fod pawb o’r un farn â Siôn ac yn meddwl ei fod yn ddiflas.
Pobol y Cwm, S4C, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 8 pm. English and Welsh subtitles. Omnibus on Sunday.